
Funkel Watch

WARNING - This is not a trash funkel forum!!!

I was wondering if anybody had any information on what is going on with Funkel and the team with the recent lack of points.  

Have there be rumours that there is going to be a change?  What are they doing to change there recent form, etc.

This is not meant to be a trash funkel forum I just need to see if I can find some additional information as I can not locate anything on the web and there is nothing about the Bundesliga on TV in the states.  If you know of good websites talking about this and our future please let me know. Ich kann Deutsch lesen so dass ist kein problem.

despite the defeat in Hoffenheim, Bruchhagen has made clear, that he still truts in Funkel and his ability to develop the team and achieve the results we all long for. So there won't be a change right now. Some newspapers guess between the lines, that after two more defeats, that might be it. I doubt it. After the 2-weeks-break, there will be 5 matches in 14 days and it wouldn't be at all like Bruchhagen to make a change under those circumstances. So ask again in one month, I'm sure, Funkel will still have the job.

So don't bet here: http://www.firmenpresse.de/pressinfo60756.html  

This could be interesting as well: http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/sport/eintracht_frankfurt/1608993_Ich-gehe-kerzengerade-vorneweg.html

Generally, watch out for articles in the SAW - you will always find it here on top http://www.eintracht.de/meine_eintracht/forum/1/ -> today's list is here: http://www.eintracht.de/meine_eintracht/forum/1/11152182/
All the interesting articles are listed up by our users every day. I go there everyday to keep myself informed.


Thanks for the websites, although my german is rusty it is a good (but long) read!!  

I found this artice for everyone to take a look at if they are interested.  It is in English and talks about Herr Funkel

eintrachtami schrieb:
Thanks for the websites, although my german is rusty it is a good (but long) read!!  

I found this artice for everyone to take a look at if they are interested.  It is in English and talks about Herr Funkel


nice - I was looking for something similar for the forum

as long as Funkel still has a job I'll be supporting the team from my seat in the Westkurve - so many fans have such short memories.  
