
Der mit dem 1-Millionen-Eintraegethread-Kopfankopfrennthread

die princess is mal wieder herrlich...
Schönen Abend noch
jona_m schrieb:
Schönen Abend noch

Bigbamboo schrieb:

gude,ich werde dir am samstag meinen grill vorführen
Guten Abend ,-)

The Tale of My Great Player Superstar
   - A Ballad
It began on an entertaining season afternoon:
I was the most megalomaniac eintrachtfan around,
He was the most great player.

He was my superstar,
My great superstar,
My player.

We used to eat so well together,
Back then.
We wanted to taste together, around the world,
We wanted it all.

But one afternoon, one entertaining afternoon,
We decided to taste too much.
Together we kissed Funkel.
It was ample, so ample.

From that moment our relationship changed.
He grew so full.

And then it happened:

Oh no! Oh no!

He massaged Skibbe.
Alas, Skibbe!
My superstar massaged Skibbe.
It was wet, so wet.

The next day I thought my ass had broken,
I thought my throat had burst into flames,
(But I was actually overreacting a little.)

But still, he is in my thoughts.
I think about how it all changed that afternoon,
That entertaining season afternoon.

My throat... ouch!
When I think of that great player,
That great player and me.

Generated on 08/07/2009 19:43 by the y81´s
