


Ich glaube das auch! Die musste unter die lupe nahe anschauen! Ami Dale.
The experience he brings with him might just be what Eintracht needs help with. Give him a good welcome and a new chance. If he shoots a Toooor, I'm sure he will be welcome then.Neuen bäsen kerin gut. Dale.
Laut Skibbe, soll morgen ein neuer Stürmer dabei sein..Eingetragen ist er bis ende der saison.

Nationalstürmer.. Bin da mal gespannt!

Ich Auch!!
Laut Skibbe soll morgen ein neuer Stürmer dabei sein..

Nationalstürmer.. Bin da mal gespannt!
I would like to congratulate Trainer Funkel on the newest approach to winning. I would liketo suggest he think about the way Bayern wins quite a few games, "kick the ball full force at the Torwart and have another player ready to kick the fumbled ball, ie; just as Miroslav. did in the last game with Dortmund. The Bayern players train toovercome the fumbled ball and also train to FOUL without being caught in the act. The Schiri's miss quite a few fouls againt Eintracht and it really hurts the team. Too badthe Schiri's can't look at an instant rerun as is possible in Tennis. Can't someone make this suggestion to the DFB???
This is an opinion from DALE!! Thanks for the oppurtunity to sound off!! Will Eintracht make it to the 4th or 3rd place on the tabelle?? I hope so!!