


Sorry, that didn't work out as planned.
I'll write what I was going to say later but firstly, THANKS for the INFO,



dasabu schrieb:
The season is about to begin.

Well, it seems the team is now complete and training started yesterday (2nd of July). By the way, the first match will be held on Sunday 8th of August in Aachen.

Some news about the Team:

The Goalkeepers remain unchanged, unclear however is who will carry the number “1” Nikolov or Pröll. Andreas Menger will remain substitute.

Defence: Jens Keller, a key figure in the team since the season 2002/03 is finally rehabilitated after an injury early last season. It is unclear if he will support the team from the bench or the pitch. Defence newcomers are: Marco Russ, Patrick Ochs, Markus Husterer and Torben Hoffman. Andree Wiedener and Christian Hening are still will the team.

Midfield: Markus Weissenberger joined this season and seems a very promising figure. Also transferred were Christian Lenze, and Alexander Meier. Stefan Lexa and Alexander Schur remain true to the Eagles. A question still to be answered is the future of Markus Kreuz. He is still sorting some differences with Coach Funkel. It seems however obvious that he wants to leave Frankfurt.

Offence: Markus Beierle, Du-Ri Cha and Nico Frommer got some support with Arie Van Lent and Benjamin Köhler.

The Coach reported that he is not willing to name a regular team just yet. He plans to work with the squad a while longer and then make his decisions.

The Coach:

After some initial differences amongst the supporters, they came to accept Funkel as a capable Coach and started to support him. A supporter from Cologne (his former Club 1. FC Köln) even posted a message in the Eintracht forum to plead to support Funkel. It seems that he was misunderstood and disliked by the Cologne Fans.

Regrettably were the transfers of Amanatidis and Hertsch to Keiserslautern as well as the transfer of Preuß. He is most likely to join Bochum. Skela left the club for an unknown destination.

Our stadium is progressing in good speed. The roof is now being lifted. The stadium is due for completion in May 2005. On another note, Frankfurt will host the finals of the Confederations Cup in 2005.

Did I forget anything? Well, I’ll try to keep you guys posted and wish you a pleasant weekend.

Davis (dasabu)

I've now been an Eintracht fan for about 7 years - I'm keeping my fingers crossed again that they can stay up this year!
I lived in Frankfurt for about 5 years & always believed in following your local team - I can't stand people who lived in an area like Frankfurt and support the likes of Bayern etc. just because they're a big club.
I would like to wish all Eintracht fans a happy new year & I look forward to the time when I can see Eintracht play live again!