


Thank You

don-cornoliho schrieb:
The Liga-Radio you can get here:


its a livestream...

Heh, thx for the name of the radio, I will go and check it out.

My English is still the best now, i do understand German and can write a respone (with tons of errors).. but it is not as good as it has been in the past.

don-cornoliho schrieb:
Hi Fans!

Im from a City far far away from Frankfurt, where there are no Bembels, Frankfodder-Weschtscher or Äpplers!

In my hometown nobody likes the West of Offenbach. I dont understand this, because Alexander Schur is a great Goalgetter in fact of striking after the 90 Minutes (in Reuthlingen for example).

I Wish your Eintracht Western Offenbach the best and with a little bit lucky you'll win the championship next year!

Greetings from the town without Äppler

DON dingsda!

PS: How did the Match vs. TSV ends? We dont get Offenbach-Television here...

Hey don-cornoliho

How is it going, I am also from a city far far far away. A bit over the Atlantic .

Over here they dont show a lot of soccer, just on the spanish channel (South American Teams). We can not get PPV all the time to see the matches, so most of it I get from the results.

Thx, for the wish of good luck, we appreciate it (was born near the area).