Good Morning all SGE pfyc players. I apologise for posting this in English. My name in pfyc is mas and I play for Rangers.
Just popped in to let you know what is happening in the UK League and how this situation is likely to affect German teams, especially in the European Cup.
The ferry alliance have recently added Bristol Rovers, Darlington and Gillingham to their ranks and just this week added QPR as well. As a result of ferry interference QPR, who have only one recognised player - SHA - will probably win the League this week.
Here is QPR's playing list for this week:
2. SHA - QPR - 37.924.350
5. ih - QPR - 20.237.175
7. W12 - QPR - 17.990.425
8. dqp - QPR - 17.629.650
9. QE2 - QPR - 15.081.600
11. rod - QPR - 14.196.825
16. BAR - QPR - 10.039.625
18. W4 - QPR - 8.666.700
35. WVU - QPR - 5.902.500
41. Hun - QPR - 5.423.075
43. IRL - QPR - 5.033.000
65. B-B - QPR - 3.200.700
94. P&O - QPR - 1.843.450
95. red - QPR - 1.807.525
104. ZIG - QPR - 1.564.100
107. ZAG - QPR - 1.533.725
108. BBQ - QPR - 1.512.750
119. ANT - QPR - 1.253.000
144. ANT - QPR - 805.825
198. dw - QPR - 357.100
199. SAD - QPR - 353.350
208. lut - QPR - 309.500
225. rus - QPR - 233.650
229. QPR - QPR - 209.250
236. MAS - QPR - 195.000
237. slm - QPR - 188.475
241. WEE - QPR - 172.700
247. ASH - QPR - 159.450
256. BSH - QPR - 137.175
266. pas - QPR - 113.050
267. Muz - QPR - 108.700
430. DJB - QPR - 28.400
Here is a typical 5 minute interval from Monday evening:
1. dqp - QPR - 16.212.000 ! (412900)
2. SHA - QPR - 13.299.825 ! (325925)
3. rod - QPR - 12.146.375 ! (320600)
6. ih - QPR - 8.844.900 ! (197950)
7. QE2 - QPR - 8.811.175 ! (258750)
8. W4 - QPR - 7.652.350
9. W12 - QPR - 5.620.850 ! (92200)
11. BAR - QPR - 5.008.625
12. Hun - QPR - 4.848.425
24. WVU - QPR - 2.220.750
50. B-B - QPR - 906.250 ! (418800)
51. ANT - QPR - 805.825
73. red - QPR - 553.675 ! (179450)
82. dw - QPR - 357.100
87. lut - QPR - 309.500
98. BBQ - QPR - 237.550 ! (237550)
99. ZAG - QPR - 224.925 ! (224925)
100. ANT - QPR - 209.800 ! (193400)
106. slm - QPR - 163.025
108. ASH - QPR - 159.450
125. pas - QPR - 113.050
195. DJB - QPR - 28.400
Only 2 or possibly 3 of those players are actually QPR players, the rest are UK and Belgian ferry. Here is the current list of ferry players we know about and these are just the ones who are capable of scoring 3m+ points an hour:
Doc - Hull
999 - Hull
Ian - Hull
PIF - Hull
man - Hull
jp - Hull
IPG - Newcastle
Baz - Newcastle
CJD - Brighton
ACK - Brighton
Pro - Darlington
Muz - Sheff Weds
TGR - Gillingham
pas - Bristol Rovers
rus - Bristol Rovers
jec - Bristol Rovers
NAC - Bristol Rovers
TC - Bristol Rovers
Plus they have these Belgian players too:
They also have other players who play for their various team who will play for the ferry when asked.
The ferry also recently tried to recruit Hereford, who have 3 or 4 very good players, two of whom are capable of 300k games. Here is a discussion which took place about this on the Barnet Board:
Read more: http://www.barnet.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1212&start=129#ixzz1FImOIsRx
It's obvious from this exchange that, despite the ferry claiming they only want to help 'little' teams get a chance to win the Title, Hereford would have been helped to win many Titles if they joined the ferry.
Now you might wonder at this point what any of this has to do with German teams, but there is a reason that the ferry are bribing 'small' UK teams with the offer to help them win the League Title. Here is CJD explaining what the ferry are doing:
Read more: http://www.barnet.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1212&start=161#ixzz1FIrsAWHw
In other words they intend to go through all the teams in the UK League offering each of them the chance to win the UK Title in exchange for those teams helping them to grow in strength in Europe to the point where they can beat the German teams in the European Cup. Germans teams who have spent years and lots of effort building their own teams fairly.
If you look at the list I have supplied you will see that the ferry currently have at least 25 players who can score 3m+ points an hour. That means in a 2 hour European Cup round they could score at least 150m points. How many German teams are there who have that firepower available to them on a Friday afternoon/evening..? They will also have other players, not quite as good but probably capable of adding another 30m on top. That means that to hold them off each German team would have to score around 200m points in a 2-hour round. Are you capable of that..?
In addition the ferry are trying to reach an agreement with other UK teams who won't join the alliance, such as Barnet and Hereford, to have a 'last UK team standing' policy in Europe which, if agreed, means that they would also have the support of non-ferry British teams. Now you are looking at having to score 250m points to hold them off.
Do you still think that is no problem to German teams..?
Maybe you don't mind the ferry cheating their way to the European Cup..? But if you do you are going to have to develop a policy amongst German teams to support each other in the event of a ferry attack.
The ferry have destroyed the UK League with their actions. Every week it is the ferry who decide who wins the League even before a ball is kicked on the Monday morning. Rangers are trying to rebuild our team to deal with them, but it will be a slow process and in the meantime the ferry will continue to try and recruit every good-standard player in the UK into the ferry by offering to win their team the League.
I and many of my Rangers colleagues will help any German (or French) team under attack but that will still not be enough to stop them so if you want to stop them you will have to organise your own defence as well. The ferry will not stop at winning just one European Cup. If their plan works then they will have to reward a lot of ferry teams for their help. If they are stopped from ever winning the European Cup then their cheating in the UK League will be for nothing.
Rangers will help you whenever we can, but first and foremost you will have to help yourselves.
Good Luck
Just popped in to let you know what is happening in the UK League and how this situation is likely to affect German teams, especially in the European Cup.
The ferry alliance have recently added Bristol Rovers, Darlington and Gillingham to their ranks and just this week added QPR as well. As a result of ferry interference QPR, who have only one recognised player - SHA - will probably win the League this week.
Here is QPR's playing list for this week:
2. SHA - QPR - 37.924.350
5. ih - QPR - 20.237.175
7. W12 - QPR - 17.990.425
8. dqp - QPR - 17.629.650
9. QE2 - QPR - 15.081.600
11. rod - QPR - 14.196.825
16. BAR - QPR - 10.039.625
18. W4 - QPR - 8.666.700
35. WVU - QPR - 5.902.500
41. Hun - QPR - 5.423.075
43. IRL - QPR - 5.033.000
65. B-B - QPR - 3.200.700
94. P&O - QPR - 1.843.450
95. red - QPR - 1.807.525
104. ZIG - QPR - 1.564.100
107. ZAG - QPR - 1.533.725
108. BBQ - QPR - 1.512.750
119. ANT - QPR - 1.253.000
144. ANT - QPR - 805.825
198. dw - QPR - 357.100
199. SAD - QPR - 353.350
208. lut - QPR - 309.500
225. rus - QPR - 233.650
229. QPR - QPR - 209.250
236. MAS - QPR - 195.000
237. slm - QPR - 188.475
241. WEE - QPR - 172.700
247. ASH - QPR - 159.450
256. BSH - QPR - 137.175
266. pas - QPR - 113.050
267. Muz - QPR - 108.700
430. DJB - QPR - 28.400
Here is a typical 5 minute interval from Monday evening:
1. dqp - QPR - 16.212.000 ! (412900)
2. SHA - QPR - 13.299.825 ! (325925)
3. rod - QPR - 12.146.375 ! (320600)
6. ih - QPR - 8.844.900 ! (197950)
7. QE2 - QPR - 8.811.175 ! (258750)
8. W4 - QPR - 7.652.350
9. W12 - QPR - 5.620.850 ! (92200)
11. BAR - QPR - 5.008.625
12. Hun - QPR - 4.848.425
24. WVU - QPR - 2.220.750
50. B-B - QPR - 906.250 ! (418800)
51. ANT - QPR - 805.825
73. red - QPR - 553.675 ! (179450)
82. dw - QPR - 357.100
87. lut - QPR - 309.500
98. BBQ - QPR - 237.550 ! (237550)
99. ZAG - QPR - 224.925 ! (224925)
100. ANT - QPR - 209.800 ! (193400)
106. slm - QPR - 163.025
108. ASH - QPR - 159.450
125. pas - QPR - 113.050
195. DJB - QPR - 28.400
Only 2 or possibly 3 of those players are actually QPR players, the rest are UK and Belgian ferry. Here is the current list of ferry players we know about and these are just the ones who are capable of scoring 3m+ points an hour:
Doc - Hull
999 - Hull
Ian - Hull
PIF - Hull
man - Hull
jp - Hull
IPG - Newcastle
Baz - Newcastle
CJD - Brighton
ACK - Brighton
Pro - Darlington
Muz - Sheff Weds
TGR - Gillingham
pas - Bristol Rovers
rus - Bristol Rovers
jec - Bristol Rovers
NAC - Bristol Rovers
TC - Bristol Rovers
Plus they have these Belgian players too:
They also have other players who play for their various team who will play for the ferry when asked.
The ferry also recently tried to recruit Hereford, who have 3 or 4 very good players, two of whom are capable of 300k games. Here is a discussion which took place about this on the Barnet Board:
pas (Bristol Rovers)Mga (Hereford) - 25/2/2011 13:09
Although I have already explained this fact and I repeat it: We are playing only for Hereford and indeed ..... about 2 months ago pas (pas!) asked me to join the cheerful Ferry company... but we said NO! Be honest at least! If I had played with you, you would not say anything about my origin. Are you regretting?
Hey, hey, hey ...let's not get ahead of ourselves here!
I didn't ask you if you wanted to join the Ferry ....I asked you if you wanted some help to win the title as you have never won it. I then explained the reasons why.
Ok, I admit that your proposal was expressed in these terms. But are we sure that the thing would have died there?
That is totally up to you .....you might develop a taste for success.
Read more: http://www.barnet.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1212&start=129#ixzz1FImOIsRx
It's obvious from this exchange that, despite the ferry claiming they only want to help 'little' teams get a chance to win the Title, Hereford would have been helped to win many Titles if they joined the ferry.
Now you might wonder at this point what any of this has to do with German teams, but there is a reason that the ferry are bribing 'small' UK teams with the offer to help them win the League Title. Here is CJD explaining what the ferry are doing:
I hope the Ferry continues to grow in numbers via the UK league, so that as a by-product, eventually our numbers will be such as to make a decent joint effort in Europe
Read more: http://www.barnet.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1212&start=161#ixzz1FIrsAWHw
In other words they intend to go through all the teams in the UK League offering each of them the chance to win the UK Title in exchange for those teams helping them to grow in strength in Europe to the point where they can beat the German teams in the European Cup. Germans teams who have spent years and lots of effort building their own teams fairly.
If you look at the list I have supplied you will see that the ferry currently have at least 25 players who can score 3m+ points an hour. That means in a 2 hour European Cup round they could score at least 150m points. How many German teams are there who have that firepower available to them on a Friday afternoon/evening..? They will also have other players, not quite as good but probably capable of adding another 30m on top. That means that to hold them off each German team would have to score around 200m points in a 2-hour round. Are you capable of that..?
In addition the ferry are trying to reach an agreement with other UK teams who won't join the alliance, such as Barnet and Hereford, to have a 'last UK team standing' policy in Europe which, if agreed, means that they would also have the support of non-ferry British teams. Now you are looking at having to score 250m points to hold them off.
Do you still think that is no problem to German teams..?
Maybe you don't mind the ferry cheating their way to the European Cup..? But if you do you are going to have to develop a policy amongst German teams to support each other in the event of a ferry attack.
The ferry have destroyed the UK League with their actions. Every week it is the ferry who decide who wins the League even before a ball is kicked on the Monday morning. Rangers are trying to rebuild our team to deal with them, but it will be a slow process and in the meantime the ferry will continue to try and recruit every good-standard player in the UK into the ferry by offering to win their team the League.
I and many of my Rangers colleagues will help any German (or French) team under attack but that will still not be enough to stop them so if you want to stop them you will have to organise your own defence as well. The ferry will not stop at winning just one European Cup. If their plan works then they will have to reward a lot of ferry teams for their help. If they are stopped from ever winning the European Cup then their cheating in the UK League will be for nothing.
Rangers will help you whenever we can, but first and foremost you will have to help yourselves.
Good Luck
Good, I hope that always remains so. If the ferry succeed in Europe it means that what they have done to the UK League is worth it for them. You will have to consider ANY British team in the UK League a ferry team from now on because the likelihood is they will either be ferry or be being backed by ferry. For the sake of what fair players there are left in the UK I hope you are as good as your word and you do hold them off.
If you know anything at all about Rangers you will know that we respect that stance very much, but I tell you now as a Rangers player I will do everything I can to prevent the ferry winning in Europe.
Thank you all for your time. If I have anything else to say I will say it on the other SGE forum link you have given me.