
Hoffnung, Ihre Hilfe zu erhalten

I come from China! I like the soccer very much! You still remember this person of Hui Xie! ? Quite right, he comes from China, I like him very much! I like collecting the souvenir about him! However, I have no him in the souvenir of period of SpVgg Greuther Furth, I hope to get your help! Someone please contact me while having his cards! Thanks!

My e-mail:shijy32@yahoo.com.cn
My MSN:laolesjy@hotmail.com
My ICQ:241019980
I am sorry! Because I can't write many German,so I write English! Hope you can forgive !
You are contacting the wrong club. We do not have anything to deal with Hui Xie.

Click here for further info:



You still remember this person of Chen Yang! ? Quite right, he comes from China, I like him very much! I like collecting the souvenir about him! However, I have no him in the souvenir of period of Eintracht-Frankfurt, I hope to get your help! Someone please contact me while having his cards! Thanks!

My e-mail:shijy32@yahoo.com.cn
My MSN:laolesjy@hotmail.com
My ICQ:241019980  
I am sorry! Appeared such aly wronglying , I did not do it on purpose! Hope you can forgive me ! Hope you can help me !

shijy schrieb:
I am sorry! Appeared such aly wronglying , I did not do it on purpose! Hope you can forgive me ! Hope you can help me !

No problem, just don't worry about it!

Thanks! How could I get these four cards? Please answer me in English! Thank you very much!

shijy schrieb:
Thanks! How could I get these four cards? Please answer me in English! Thank you very much!

That's a really good question! I doubt, that anyone will give up his own cards. You colud try contacting the owner of that homepage, maybe he can help you!?!?

Thank you for your help for me! Hope we can become the friend !

shijy schrieb:
Thank you for your help for me! Hope we can become the friend !

Good luck with your quest. If i find out anything else, i'll contact you via e-Mail.


Godfather ZoLo erschliesst uns gerade neue Märkte - und muß dafür noch nicht mal in den Flieger steigen...
das ist halt unser zolo
meint Ihr, HK hat ihn schon verlinkt?

Ni hao

shijy schrieb:
Hope we can become the friend !

Das ist doch Helmut Kohl inkognito, oder...?

sogenannter_Fan schrieb:
meint Ihr, HK hat ihn schon verlinkt?

Ni hao

HK verlinkt jetzt wahrscheinlich im Forum eines Bundesligisten, wo er (noch) nicht gesperrt ist
Meiner einer hat HK bereits sowohl im M1er als auch im Nürnberger Forum gesichtet...

SGE-Nik schrieb:

shijy schrieb:
Hope we can become the friend !

Das ist doch Helmut Kohl inkognito, oder...?

Hab ich auch grad gedacht
Wrong Forum!
