
Obi hat eine Frage, kann die ihm bitte jemand beantworten ?

Nachricht von Obi-Wan Kenobi Online (11.08.2008 18:21)

Wieso?  Was ist morgen?
zico_b schrieb:
Nachricht von Obi-Wan Kenobi Online (11.08.2008 18:21)

Wieso?  Was ist morgen?

Na Dienstag - und wir haben Betriebsausflug!
zico_b schrieb:
Nachricht von Obi-Wan Kenobi Online (11.08.2008 18:21)

Wieso?  Was ist morgen?

SGE-Real ,-)  
Enkheimer_Adler schrieb:
zico_b schrieb:
Nachricht von Obi-Wan Kenobi Online (11.08.2008 18:21)

Wieso?  Was ist morgen?

SGE-Real ,-)    
zico_b schrieb:
Nachricht von Obi-Wan Kenobi Online (11.08.2008 18:21)

Wieso?  Was ist morgen?

Obi Obi

Irgendwie habe ich schon immer geahnt, dass der Kreuzbuerger mir irgendwann den Weltuntergang prophezeit...  
da gibts nur eine Rettung
Fliegendes Spaghettimonster
Brady schrieb:
Enkheimer_Adler schrieb:
zico_b schrieb:
Nachricht von Obi-Wan Kenobi Online (11.08.2008 18:21)

Wieso?  Was ist morgen?

SGE-Real ,-)    

Due on..  12.08.2008    3.00 P.M.
Estimated Amount: Rs. 1,15,855/- Only                                                                 Cost of Tender: Rs.100.00 Only
E.M. FOR Rs  2400/- Only

        NAME OF WORK :  Providing & Fixing Barbed wire with engle Iron and construction of wall through Nala in Kargil Park at Motijheel

  Contractor’s Name.................................................

J.E.                A.E.                                                                                                      E.E.-( Traffic)
S. No Quantity Item of Work Rates/Unit

1 19.00 Sqmt. Dismantling of  CC Floor in Cement or Lime Mortor etc. all complete 12.00 Sq.Mtr.
2 5.00 Cumt Earth Work in excavation in ordinary Soil Lead 30 Mtr and lift 1.5 Mtr etc. all complete 35.00/ Cumt
3 1.50 Cumt. P/L of Cement Concrete in 1:6:12 Cement Fine Send and 4 Cm. Gage Brick ballast etc. all complete 1400/ Cumt
4 3.00 Cumt M-150 Brick Work in Foundation & Plinth in 1:4 Cement and Ciarse Sand Mortar etc. all complete 1927/ Cumt
5 7.00 Cumt M-150 Brick Work in 1:4 Cement & Course Sand Mortar in Super Structure etc all complete 2027/ Cumt
6 119.00 Sqmt 15mm thick Cement Plaster in 1:4 Cement & Find Sand Mortar etc all complete 90.00/ Sqmt
7 1.00 Cumt R.C.C. work in 1:2:4 Cement C/Sand & 2 Cm Stone Grit etc all complete 3100.00/ Cumt
8 2.50 Qtl Mild Steel or Iron Work  in Small Size & Section etc all complete 4100.00/ Qtl
9 119.00 Sqmt Finishing of Wall with Two Coat Water Proof Cement Paint including 1 Coat Cement Primer etc all complete 38.00/ Sqmt
10 810.00 Rmt Providing of Iron Barbed wire fencing etc all complete 80.00/ Rmt

I/we hereby agree to take the above-mentioned work.................................% above /below on the mentioned rates.
                                                                                                           Signature byContractor
                                                                                                                                                           With Address & stamp

For Office Use Only
I/we Certified That: -
1.  Rate is Quoted ……………………………% Above/Below
2.  There is No Cutting & Overwriting in rates.
3.  Ernest Money Attached Rs………………………………………………

ASSTT. ENGINEER……………………                                              EXECUTIVE   ENGINEER……………..


Due on..   12.082008    3.00 P.M.
Estimated Amount: Rs. 3,91,900.00 Only                                                                           Cost of Tender: Rs.200.00
E.M. FOR Rs.8,000.00

                         NAME OF WORK :  Construction of park at Geeta nagar “o” block in ward 63

Contractor’s Name.................................................

J.E.                A.E.                                                                                                      E.E.-( Traffic)
S.No Quantity Item of Work Rates/Unit

1 33.00 cum Dismantling of lime on cement mortar brick work including stacking dismantled material etc all complete as per direction of E/I/c with in 60 M complete.. 48.00/ cum
2 6.00 Cum Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil including lift up to 1.5M and lead up to 30M including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth in to trench on in the space between building and sides of foundation trenches and renwal  disposal surplus earth as per direction of E/I/c etc all complete.   27.00/ cum
3 2.00 cum Lime concrete with 1.5” gauge brick ballast surkhi and lime in 100:32:16 ratio in foundation and plinth including supply of all material labour T&P etc all complete 660.00/ cum
4 5.00 cum M-150 first class brick work in foundation and plinth 1:6 cement and sand including supply of all material labour T&P etc all complete of the work.   1300.00/ cum
5 101.00 sqm 2 cm thick DPC. With cement & course sand 1:2 and including waterproofing material as per direction of E/I/c.etc all complete. 65.00/ sqm
6 99.00 cum As item no 4 but in super structure including necessary cutting and molding of brick as required for one brick thick wall.   1440.00/ cum
7 992.00 sqm 12mm thick plaster in 1:3 cement and course sand mortar including supply of all material labour T&P etc all complete. 41.00/ sqm
8 992.00 sqm Finishing of wall with water proof cement paint of approved make and quality in new work of wood two coat of even shade including supply of all material labour T&P etc all complete. 20.50/ sqm
9 422.00 sqm Two cm thick plaster in dado with 1:2 cement and course sand with 3mm thick neat finished including supply of all material labour T&P etc all complete 61.00/ sqm
10 15.50 qtl Mild steel or iron work in heavy size such as built up gate door records racks etc wrought to required shape and size including supply of all material labour T&P etc all complete 2940/qtl
11 546.00 sqm Panting or varnishing in new work in small area of new iron work with one coat of randomized priming pant and one coat approved quality superior pant including supply of all material T&P etc all complete 24.00 sqm
12 8.50 cum Cement concrete with 2cm gauge approved stone grit & course sand and cement in 1:2:4 including supply of all material etc all complete 2100.00cum
13 1.60cum R. c  .c. work with cement; course sand and 2cm gauge stone grite in proportion of 1:2:4 in tight beam including supply of reinforcement and its binding including necessary cutting and suturing required for proper completion of work   3250.00cum
14 12.50qtl Mild steel or iron in plain work such as RCC or RB work cutting to required shape and size and including its binding etc all complete of the work 2250.00/ Qutl
15 9.00 cum Same as item no 13 but in columns in 1:1.5:3 ratio etc all complete. 3450.00/Cum
16 33.00 cum Sale of material brickbats etc all complete. 250.00/ cum
17 1.00 Qutl Mild steel or iron work in plain work such as RCC or RB work etc all compl. 3310.00/ qutl
18 1.00 No Supply and fixing of summersabil pump as per specification of KNN all complete work. 59818.00/ Each
19 6.00 Nos. Painting and and fixing RCC banch with all complete as per direction of E/I/c. 3480.00/ Each.

I/we hereby agree to take the above-mentioned work.................................% above /below on the mentioned rates.


                                                                                                                 Signature by  Contractor
                                                                                          With Address & stamp

For Office Use Only
I/we Certified That: -
1.  Rate is Quoted ……………………………% Above/Below
2.  There is No Cutting & Overwriting in rates.
3.  Ernest Money Attached Rs………………………………………………

ASSTT. ENGINEER……………………                                                                          EXECUTIVE   ENGINEER……………..

Ich hoffe ich konnte die frage zur zufriedenheit aller beantworten,

zico_b schrieb:
Nachricht von Obi-Wan Kenobi Online (11.08.2008 18:21)

Wieso?  Was ist morgen?
