Well, I looked at her face and then I knew she changed, My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray! My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray!
So I sat in my room for 27 days, No she never called, I had something to say! No she never called, I had something to say!
I don't know much and I don't know how...
Why would she put me through such torture, I would have given my life for her, She was the one that knocked me over, Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
Well, I heard she's great and her new boyfriend's lame, She can go to hell I'll never be the same! She can go to hell I'll never be the same!
And these open wounds will heal with time they say, My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray! My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray!
I don't know much and I don't know how...
Why would she put me through such torture, I would have given my life for her, She was the one that knocked me over, Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
Why would she put me through such torture, I would have given my life for her, She was the one that knocked me over, Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
I don't know much and I don't know how...
Why would she put me through such torture, I would have given my life for her, She was the one that knocked me over, Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
Why would she put me through such torture, I would have given my life for her, She was the one that knocked me over, Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
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My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray!
My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray!
So I sat in my room for 27 days,
No she never called, I had something to say!
No she never called, I had something to say!
I don't know much and I don't know how...
Why would she put me through such torture,
I would have given my life for her,
She was the one that knocked me over,
Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
Well, I heard she's great and her new boyfriend's lame,
She can go to hell I'll never be the same!
She can go to hell I'll never be the same!
And these open wounds will heal with time they say,
My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray!
My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray!
I don't know much and I don't know how...
Why would she put me through such torture,
I would have given my life for her,
She was the one that knocked me over,
Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
Why would she put me through such torture,
I would have given my life for her,
She was the one that knocked me over,
Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
I don't know much and I don't know how...
Why would she put me through such torture,
I would have given my life for her,
She was the one that knocked me over,
Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
Why would she put me through such torture,
I would have given my life for her,
She was the one that knocked me over,
Now I'm alone sitting on the corner
songtexte gehören in den kopf, nich auf den rechner
durchs lesen lerne ich besser als durchs zuhören.
Das ist sogar durch so nen komischen Test bewiesen.