I live in Lisle, which is close to Naperville (South). Where did you get the newspaper from? One of the guys here in the "Forum" sent me the CD with the live broadcast of the game! I cant wait to get it! Do you have ICQ?
Hi ChicagoAdler! My sister sent me the newspapers from Germany. She also got the CD and wanted to send it by email, but it is too much for the tiny mailbox. So I have to wait for the CD. I don't think I have ICQ, I'm just using the computer of my host family.
Melanie in Chicago, IL, USA
Chicago? Ich auch! Wo denn genau? Meld Dich mal!
Err...sorry, I forgot this is "English Language"!
Where exactly in Chicago do you live? Downtown, or in the suburbs?
I'm living north of Chicago in Lake Forest. Where are you living? Just got some newspapers today from the last game against Reutlingen. Awesome!!!
My sister sent me the newspapers from Germany. She also got the CD and wanted to send it by email, but it is too much for the tiny mailbox. So I have to wait for the CD.
I don't think I have ICQ, I'm just using the computer of my host family.