
this foreign affaitrs forum is pretty boring!!

hello eintrachtfans all over zthe world!!

i recognize that in this forum the are not many new postings or many postings at all!!! that is not very funny for you because many of u do not understand the postings in the other german speaking parts of the forum!!! so why dont u try to get some news and discuss in this forum and you would see that u would get many replies from the german speaking fans out of the other forums!!! they just dont participate this forum because they know that there are nearly no postings at all!!! but if they see that even this forum contains news, they will reply to your postings!!! jus try it!!!

My dear friend Stinger,

I tried already a few times to setting up someting .
But like you mentioned, not many answers.

Let the fun begin at the game.

See you in Waldstadion versus Köln.


....which shows that the other eagles are willing to answer!!! perhaps you shoul try it in english in the "Dies & Das"-Forum!!! That would perhaps work out!!

mfg    stinger

PS: The thread wasn't mentioned to make this forum worse than it is!!!
