

oh dears, here goes nothing up!
nice translation!!!

but i think u have already mentioned, that ure english isnt very good....was it u?!?!??!

mfg   stinger

PS: But the fact that "nothing goes up here" is true!!
i don't know, whether ist was me, who mentioned, that his English is bad. I'm in the English advanced course and have my final exams in nearly 6 weeks. So if you tell me that my English is bad, I'll be slightly annoyed
sorry knüller, than i must have mixed u up with somebody else...........

anyways, good luck in ure exams....*räusper*

cya   stinger
oh my lovely mister singing-club
me nothing, you nothing and he makes his way out of the powder
you see, i am heavy on the wire
Singer and Knueller. I am afraid to tell you, that the expression " nothing goes up here" does not exist in the language english. You rather should say: "nothing goes on". Well, I have to agree with you Knueller. There is nothing really going on in this forum. I noticed that hardly anyone is writing about soccer. So I think I have a nice topic for you guys. What do you think? Will Eintracht win the promotion? I hope so. But we all know, that Eintacht always show some nerves if they under pressure. Proof is Eintrachts last week performance!
i think bouth of us now that this kind of expression does not exist in the language english, but we were just kidding....

but, what shall "promotion" mean in german????

anyways, eintracht will win it....smile:

this game-day was whole great shit
In this case, promotion means "Aufstieg". Well, I hope you are right!!! I could not stand one more season in the 2. Bundesliga!! But then again, no one thougt we are going to play for the promotion this year anyway!!!! But I have not given up hope yet.
thanks a lot for the translation, i was wondering all the day what promotion could mean, but in retrospect, wow, what kind of a word, i must say that "austieg" is the only possible word in the context of the thread.....

mfg    stinger
