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In another test match yesterday evening against Beyer Leverkusen, Frankfurt is about to conclude the preparation phase to the start of the season.
In an unspectacular match Frankfurt was able to make a rather positive impression against runner up of the season 2003/04 of the premier league. After a slow start the spectators were rewarded with 2 goals by newcomer Alex Meier. It was indeed an interesting and promising start by the youngster who in fact substituted midfield newcomer Weissenberger. But it is quite reassuring to see that the squad may present more than one talent for one position. It is therefore to be expected that the “Skela” case is now closed.
Leverkusen reduced the gap to 2:1 in the 41st minute. Ironically it was scored by the Frankfurter (residential as well as formerly active for the club) Jermaine Jones. In less than a minute from the start of the second half Berbartov equalized to final score of 2:2.
On observation with our team was the Finnish National Team Player Markus Heikkinen. Coach Funkel was pleased with his as well as the entire teams performance.
I personally believe that today we have, in principal, seen the regular team of the season 2004/05.
Some questions however were still left unanswered. What is happening to Kreuz? Will he stay or will he transfer to “Erfurt”? Who will be our number “1”? Pröll or Nikolov?
Let’s wait and see.
Davis (dasabu)