I haven't a clue who made it, dasabu. Somebody posted the url on the Eintracht thread on bigsoccer.com. I think he got it from one of the other forums here. If I find anything else on my cybertravels you can be sure I'll post it.
Speaking of travels, is anyone going to watch the slaughter of Oberhausen on Sunday?
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It's 4 minutes long and 15Mb, so probably better to dowload to your hard-drive. Many thanks to whoever put it together. Enjoy!
Does anybody know of other Eintracht videos online (I'm not talking about Adi in Berlin smile:?
Speaking of travels, is anyone going to watch the slaughter of Oberhausen on Sunday?
kinda sad beginnig but it get's better and better!
would be good to know who did it!
if u find some more tell us!
Contact the webmaster for more info on the videos.