
German "Support" During Other Matches- Report from A Dutch Fan/Friend (NL-POR)

In my opinion, those childish German singings during matches which mean the world for other nation (supporting the local team (Viva Colonia during the Swiss match), discriminating other teams (Ohne Holland..), cheering for Germany during England-Ecuador, or whistling/booing when the match of 2 NON-GERMAN TEAMS is found disappointing) are a disgrace.
Find below the opinion of a Dutch friend which I fully support:

Hi Basti,

I fully agree with you there....football is, and should stay, fun. If some dutch fans are like that, I seriously apologize for it....luckily, the vast majority isn't. I was in Nürnberg at the stadium, and the city, there you could see how real fans behave. We were standing behind our team untill the very last second, even after all hope was lost, the team fought and gave everything they had and fans were singing and shouting...and even after such a match, the dutch and portuguese were partying and drinking together. I am proud to have been a part of that.

It's true that the atmosphere is great in Germany, although I have one tip for the German fans: if you go to matches where Germany is not playing, it's ok to choose sides, but please restrain from childish behaviour. In a very tough match, where everybody was agitated, just 10 seconds after the red card from Bouhlarouz (not justified, this Figo is such a son of a whore...), the German fans started shouting 'auf Wiedersehen' and 'Ohne Holland fahren wir nach Berlin'. It was very provoking, and made everbody (including me) pretty mad, I might have said a few things of which I am not very proud.....bottom line, cheer for your own team, and when other countries are playing, respect them and leave the stadium to them....

Around the match, I think the first half we played dramatically weak, just passing the ball around in the back. Second half we really gave everything, I don't think anyone could walk anymore after the match, but it just lacked the quality (although there were some big chances). Around Ruud, I seriously don't know, but he played pretty weak the first couple of matches, no clue why he did not come in (maybe he just took it up the ass once too often, and needed to give his buttocks a rest).

Concluding remarks: although we got kicked out, I am proud to have been part of this great world cup and support my team in 2 important matches. I wish everybody a lot of fun in the coming games, may the best team win!

Go crazy, but stay sane (that's to all fans/nations)!

are we playing football or "hallenhalma"?
Heul doch...
Moose schrieb:
are we playing football or "hallenhalma"?

Holland plays Portugal
SGE_77 schrieb:
In my opinion, those childish German singings during matches which mean the world for other nation (supporting the local team (Viva Colonia during the Swiss match), discriminating other teams (Ohne Holland..), cheering for Germany during England-Ecuador, or whistling/booing when the match of 2 NON-GERMAN TEAMS is found disappointing) are a disgrace.
Find below the opinion of a Dutch friend which I fully support:

Hi Basti,

I fully agree with you there....football is, and should stay, fun. If some dutch fans are like that, I seriously apologize for it....luckily, the vast majority isn't. I was in Nürnberg at the stadium, and the city, there you could see how real fans behave. We were standing behind our team untill the very last second, even after all hope was lost, the team fought and gave everything they had and fans were singing and shouting...and even after such a match, the dutch and portuguese were partying and drinking together. I am proud to have been a part of that.

It's true that the atmosphere is great in Germany, although I have one tip for the German fans: if you go to matches where Germany is not playing, it's ok to choose sides, but please restrain from childish behaviour. In a very tough match, where everybody was agitated, just 10 seconds after the red card from Bouhlarouz (not justified, this Figo is such a son of a whore...), the German fans started shouting 'auf Wiedersehen' and 'Ohne Holland fahren wir nach Berlin'. It was very provoking, and made everbody (including me) pretty mad, I might have said a few things of which I am not very proud.....bottom line, cheer for your own team, and when other countries are playing, respect them and leave the stadium to them....

Around the match, I think the first half we played dramatically weak, just passing the ball around in the back. Second half we really gave everything, I don't think anyone could walk anymore after the match, but it just lacked the quality (although there were some big chances). Around Ruud, I seriously don't know, but he played pretty weak the first couple of matches, no clue why he did not come in (maybe he just took it up the ass once too often, and needed to give his buttocks a rest).

Concluding remarks: although we got kicked out, I am proud to have been part of this great world cup and support my team in 2 important matches. I wish everybody a lot of fun in the coming games, may the best team win!

Go crazy, but stay sane (that's to all fans/nations)!


Oh,and the dutch fans never provoke the deutsch(sic!) fans,even in the stadium? Go home and cry your eyes out...
Anti-Dutch singing (when Germany is NOT (!) playing against NL!) is just one example. You don't get the point.

Just skip to the other thread and you´ll find enough statements which show,that your friends opinion and not the german behaviour is childish

Just skip to the other thread and you´ll find enough statements which show,that your friends opinion and not the german behaviour is childish

And enough statements which support the opinion which is mentioned here...

Your opinion isn`t the one and only truth...
könnt ihr alle gut englisch O.O
hi mate,
I got to say, you are absolutley right about this. It is not only childish, but also inappropriate, and definitely not justifiable.
Both, the Portugese and the Dutch contributed to an exciting yet brutal match, but it was very entertaining. To make fun of the Dutch for having lost to Portugal, mocking them the same way it was done 4 years ago  is pretty sad to be honest.
The German fans should rather focus on their team and their achievements instead of wasting energy humiliating other fans. Although I do sympathize with the Germans, those dickheads (the so called fans chanting those songs) really deserve a defeat big time.
Also, I wanna see the German play the Dutch in the near future, not an easy task.
Well, whatever, we just  got to take it the way it is. Let's just hope those so called fans have learned a lesson.

Pech gehabt Käsefresser, so sind wir halt, verpiss Dich !
I am no "käsefresser", but you should be ashamed of your comment buddy. As a matter of fact, you should be expelled from our community for using derogatory and racist terms like "kaesefresser". You want to be an Eintracht supporter? If all of us were like you, we would be on the same evel as our beloved neighbors. Do some thinking, and come back when you have grown up.
ChrisMaicon schrieb:
...you should be expelled from our community for using derogatory and racist terms like "kaesefresser".

Uuuh, it's really a bad word...  

Dich Holzkopf habe ich zwar nicht gemeint, aber da Du scheinbar
so &%$%&/& bist : f.D.i.D.A !!!


hiermit hast Du Dir eine Pause verdient!

ok, da du der englischen sprache anscheinend nicht mächtig bist, schreibe ich jetzt in deutsch mein lieber klaus.
zunächst solltest du andere forumsmitglieder nicht beleidigen, denn ich bin ganz sicher nicht blöd und weiss was das heisst.
zweitens musst du mit kritik, und zwar legitimer kritik umgehen können. das musst du anscheinend noch lernen.
und drittens habe ich es eigentlich nicht nötig mich mit dir zu unterhalten, wenn du noch nicht einmal wie ein erwachsener Mensch argumentieren kannst, und du scheinst ja schon paar jahre gelebt zu haben.
klaus, mon amigo, ich würde mich schämen.

i have to agree, german fans chanting our songs at matches of other nations is really getting on my nerves. but for me, it´s defenitely not the same with our dutch neighbours.  
you guys really wonder about germans making fun of the dutch? i recommend you watching a netherland-germany match at rotterdam to bring back to your mind what our orange friends think about us.
well, it´s 16 years ago but rijkaard spitting at völler or koeman using the german jersey to clean his ass are still in my mind. adding some "nice" experiences with our dutch friends in several holidays i have to admit that the dutch are the only nation i really ****.
in this sense: ohne holland fahren wir nach berlin!!!!
Poor dutch fans. They only wanted to have fun while wearing "Stahlhelm" during the matches. And the foolish Germans do not unbderstand the fun. So sorry.
T I T   F O R   T A T
Wie man in den Wald reinruft, so hallt es wieder raus.
It is big fun to be at the same time an Eintracht fan and a fervent supporter of the Oranje’s. It was in 2002 when I was with my son at the Eintracht match in Bochum and suddenly our car with Dutch number plates was surrounded by Eintracht fans shouting “Ohne Holland fahrn wir zur WM”. It is a right to make jokes and fan songs against the clubs and teams of others and it is especially a right of Germans to make fun about the Dutch team and sing songs against them. In Holland we call this “een koekje van eigen deeg” – a biscuit of own dough (ein Plätzchen aus eigenem Teig). During the years I have heard a lot of (sometimes silly) jokes of Dutch people against the German team and their supporters and I agreed when Germans started to “fight back” now about 5 years ago, for example with the website “ihrseidnichtdabei”. It is good to beat your enemy with his own weapons, in this case humor.
As a Dutchman with a German accent it was a real relief to see the development of a better equilibrium. I understand that still some German footballfans are embittered because of the treatment by the Dutch in the past. In general the German humor attack was successful. During this world cup the Dutch media show mostly a positive picture about Germany and the German team. There was one famous TV-interviewer who said: “Yesterday something very strange happened to me. I was yelling out of happiness when Germany scored.” Don’t forget: when you lose today perhaps tomorrow you are the winner and when you are bitter now keep smiling. It is better for your heart.

Eintracht forever!
mornarstar schrieb:
i have to agree, german fans chanting our songs at matches of other nations is really getting on my nerves. but for me, it´s defenitely not the same with our dutch neighbours.  
you guys really wonder about germans making fun of the dutch? i recommend you watching a netherland-germany match at rotterdam to bring back to your mind what our orange friends think about us.
well, it´s 16 years ago but rijkaard spitting at völler or koeman using the german jersey to clean his ass are still in my mind. adding some "nice" experiences with our dutch friends in several holidays i have to admit that the dutch are the only nation i really ****.
in this sense: ohne holland fahren wir nach berlin!!!!

True words,buddy!

Hatte eine kleine Auszeit  deswegen erst jetzt  kurz und sachlich:

1) Yes of course, i speak english, aber nicht so toll wie Du und auch nicht
perfekt in Schrift, deshalb auf Deutsch:
2) Die Beleidigungen sind auf dieses "unfaires Deutschland vs. liebreizendes
Holland" Gesabbel zurückzuführen, was mir persönlich schon länger auf
die unteren Extremitäten geht...Aber gut: sorry für f.d. etc...
3) Du solltest aufpassen, vorschnell Leuten einen "Rassismus" wegen
Vokabeln wie "Käsefresser" zu unterstellen....
4) So, und nachdem ich jetzt darüber nachgedacht habe, hat sich meine
Meinung nullkommanull geändert, also lassen wir es...
