
Video for the victory against Hannover?

After too much defeats in Bundesliga, against Hannover we have found again victory. Can someone tell me where to it's possible to see the goals? Since ChaBum does not wanna pass us his video, I hope to find a chance to see again the Eintracht goals. Please help me  
Try this site. It is in Hungarian, but you can see the goals.


Click on the video camera next to the game you want to see the recap of.
I think since a while you need a hungarian or at least non-german IP for seeing the videos. Thanks DFL!
JaNik schrieb:
I think since a while you need a hungarian or at least non-german IP for seeing the videos. Thanks DFL!

Damn. Haven't been on the site for a while. One source less for the people abroad.
I've found a goo youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rDizH4qkDo
I thought that the match of the last saturday has a lier result 'cos Eintracht could win 4-0 and nobody could say anything. Only 2 occasions for Hannover while Takahara was always to hit in the box and finally has found the goal. Fantastic Thurk: he is started from middlefield and he's arrived to shot on goal from long distance with some kind of missile: great Panzer-Michael   Now we have to find continuity in our results to arrive soon to salvation...
go on
move to ARHIVA and check mounth (mesec) 6, then number of newpaper 2086 (04.06.2007.)
Then go on SPORT, and on the pitch will apear the new flag with the name of Franfurt defender.
Be paintfull
