
new flag for Franfurt suport

go on
move to ARHIVA and check mounth (mesec) 6, then number of newpaper 2086 (04.06.2007.)
Then go on SPORT, and on the pitch will apear the new flag with the name of Franfurt defender.
Be paintfull
This one?

or this?

i prefer the first
MotorCity prefer first one  
You can came in Macedonia this summer,maybe you will meet her.
Buy the way  we have nice beach on Ohrid Lake, to much fun and girls.....

What the other fans say  
No thanks! I will probably travel to Croatia or Slovenia next summer. I look forward meeting some of "her sisters".  


Gallery: ZaZabava.com Night Life Галерија  Album: Кафе барови  Album: Insomnia  Album: 28-06-07  

 20 од 21  


 20 од 21  

Gallery: ZaZabava.com Night Life Галерија  Album: Кафе барови  Album: Insomnia  Album: 28-06-07  

You will regret about that.
You can change you opinion, it is not late.
Go on www.zazabava.com   and you will catch the first flight.
