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the midnight. Because I live in remote China,so I just could wathed football
game in the midnight. The game is very exciting and leave me a deep impression,
so I wrote an Article for your team, but my English is very poor, perhaps there
will be many mistakes....
And Alex could work happy in English Newsletter web.
You are very strong,
Knowing perfectly well what to meet is a tiger you but still will put together,
Original think this is again a game which have never hang to read aloud, you 2 of contrast elephant ant to tiger
Fight medium you many the main force lack, but the other party then the appearance be whole well-found pack due-out, etc. you drop into the tiger's den
Besides again is at doorway in the place itself battle, true have no how much person believe you meeting victory
But you was it happened that to attain
Young and small of you with the own strong body work hard with tiger extremely dead struggle
The each penny is a second to fight me to see in the eyesight,
The other party try very hard to of tore to bite you, but you be brave of with tiger physical fight, often of bring the other party threat and counter-attack
Haven't yet recovered from a fright, the heart palpitates which take strain breath spent for 45 minutes, if second half field 45 minute still so
My missing you sooner or later will lose a hand, but your persistence...One step one step of grind teeth persistence...
Game finally be over, whole field fan is it shocked
Result but come from the idea of owner to anticipate, even I feel an accident
Stubborn of you incredibly persistence exactly of 90 minutes,
Let all people to your in different light
Thanks your work hard
The havings that is on the thanks field member of team
You told owner:The miracle is an ability occurrence of
You let me know in spite of do what matter want ~only effort miracle ability occurrence,
The miracle is an occurrence in those body which have effort and have already prepared a person
Thank you for bringing us happiness, spent a wonderful night
Tonight is belong to you,
Also belong to me, you forever of fan
I'm sorry, my English is very poor, perhaps there have many mistakes.
A friend of mine will help me Translate it to English. His english is well. When I
got, I will send it again. I hope everyone could like it : )
How did it come that you are interested in Eintracht?
It's great to still have Eintracht Supporters in China - although Yang Chen left us quite a while ago. Are many games of our beloved Eintracht Frankfurt are shown on Chinese TV? And is Frankfurt still popular with many Chinese football fans?
Thanks for posting your article which is full of Chinese Poetry!
take care
thanks for you words...nice to see eintracht makes it over to china as well
Yes, in remote China, there are many footblal players are support Frankfurt or interested in Frankurt. Yes, we can see Frankfurt games from
TV and also can from Internet. Sucu as sohu-sports and Weekdays live TV.
In our sports Chanel. We often have some programe about some football club
and some football story. Sometimes we will broad cost Frankfurt and Yang
chen ago.
I hope Frankfurt could play football game in Shanghai in the near
future. I want to see all fans of Frankfurt and want to see the club : )
It is a big dream, I don't konw whether it will come true.
Hmm... Does everyone from Germany? or Others country?
Lu Yang
May I made many mistake in my Frankfurt Poetry? because my English is very poor, perhaps many fans can't understand the Poetry : (
Wo shi Laodan, zhu zai Fulaibao.
Wo xuele zai Beijing da bu xuexi hanyu - suoyi wo de zhongwen bu hao, bu hao yisi
Ni shi Falankefu de zhichizhe ma?
Shieryue wo zai lai Beijing yingwei wo de nüpengyou zhu zai Beijing (ta shi Beijingren), ta xuexi falü zai Changping (Zhongguo Zhengfa Daxue, zai zhege daxue wo ye xuele falü).
Ni zhu zai shenme shi? Ni xianzai zai nar?
Wo de email: danielvg@126.com, hen gaoxing renshi ni!
Very thanks for your massage. I'm so surprised you can
use "Phonetics", it looks very nice. You can write in English
in next and it is the better : )
Your friend in Beijing Zhengfa school? Perhaps he will go
to see in 2008 Olympic. YDo you leave in Frankfurt or China now?
I'm in Shanghai. It is a very beautiful city in Shanghai. Yes,
I'm a loyal fan of Frankfurt. This is my mail: romeomail@163.com
Welcome friend~!
Nice to meet you too. ^_^
Lu Yang
Bin mal gespannt, wie die Mods hier eine inhaltliche Kontrolle vornehmen wollen...
Ich mußte auch schmunzeln
Da steht nicht viel mehr, als das mein Chinesisch sch*iße ist, obwohl ich ein Jahr da gelebt habe
Und warum ich wieder hinflieg (meine Freundin), wo ich studiert habe (Jura in Beijing), und nen paar Fragen an ihn (wo er lebt, wo er derzeit ist)..
Das müsst ihr mir wohl einfach so glauben
Okay.. As soon as I'm home (tomorrow) I'll write you an eMail.
This board does not support Hanzi, I know it's not that easy to understand my pretty bad Pinyin
See ya,
Was anderes wird uns wohl auch nicht übrig bleiben ,-)
Nice to hear from football and Eintracht Frankfurt Fans from China. Maybe it was more possibel that a friendship game would be in Shanghai when Yáng Chén played for Frankfurt... at the moment the chances stands more for a friendship game in japan
Nice to see you again.
No problem, you can send me e-mial, and you can also use English.
I think it is easy to understand. Do you think so : )
Lu Yang
I must admit I did not really understand all of your poetry Just a small advice, we feel more like eagles than tigers. ,-)
Anyway, it is great to have fans all over the world and it is a shame that you cannot visit a game in Frankfurt, you would love it!!! Try to watch our next match against Stuttgart, I 'm sure you won't regret it !!
Stay in touch
Thanks for your massage.
Tell you a good news. A friend of mine will help me to translate my Chinese story to English. It will take a week, and then I will take it on the web again.
I hope every fan could konw in remote China there is a fan support your team.
Hmm... do you know Alex? He is my friend : )
All my best wishes to you.
Lu Yang
I was last year in Shanghai and I must say, its a great city with wonderful buildings- as high as in Frankfurt. But i have the imprssion, that the government suppress the people. My aunt is living in Beijing and she told me, that every single telephon talk is controled by the government. In my opinion it is very bad, that the people in China do not live in a free country. I hope, that China becomes a bit more Western and liberal so that everyone can think and write whatever they want. But i see your country on a good way!
Its very fine, that we have supporters in China too. So keep Eintrachfan because we are the greatest team all over the world with the greatest supporters. Im sure that most of your friend(if they are interested european in football) are Munich or Barcelona or Manchester supporters. But thats the wrong way. Its always easier to support a team which is always winning. But Eintracht Frankfurt is much more greater than every other team. Because we have a big tradition, a wonderful city and the best fans! Its maybe possible to buy success but its never possible to buy hearts!
Wenn man in China lebt, spürt man ausser der Great Firewall nichts von der Zensur, Überwachung, etc.
Ganz im Gegenteil, als Ausländer hat man Freiheiten, die seinesgleichen suchen.
In short: I hope China won't be more western. Open - yes, Western - why??
Western society is not the answer to all problems, why the east should have our system.
However: thanks for your eMail, Lu Yang.
Actually I am not a big fan of Shanghai, since people where always a little posh, only talking about making a big fortune, no culture and history in this city. The girls where always looking for some rich guy, the chinese guy for some foreign rich friend and everything was about money.
The foreigners there acted like retards, like they were kings. And back to Europ/US there nothing.
Of course there are execptions
I prefer Beijing, Kunming or Nanjing. People are way more friendly and down to earth..
I once watched a game between Beijing Guo'an and Shenzhen in Beijing. Was kinda fun, Beijing won 2:0 but missed the championship anyway.
I was surprised that you can't get any Tsingtao or Yanjing Beer inside of the stadium and I was even more surprised that Beijing Guo'an has some ULTRAS Supporters. Only a few but kinda cool: they were standing on one and the opposite site - and always cheering at the others.
Gotta go..
Yes, I had to say the government suppress the people, sometimes
we are not live in a free country, but it hasn't some idea. If
we ill, we must pay high money to go to the hospital. Hmm...in
China, most people like such as Man.U, AC Milan, Barcelona,
because they like the world stars. They enjoy victory. If someone
who support such as Frankfurt, Leverkusen these small team, I
think he is one of the best football fan in China, because they
are very honest and loyal for their club. They don't mind field.
In fact, not all Shanghai girls looking for some rich guy,
you see is only a part. I have many girl friends, I had to say
they are very good person and honest. I live in suburb, not
Urban. Urban develops very fast so some girl looking for Fashion.
Sometimes I like suburb better than urban.
YES, in Shanghai u can also see some supporters were standing
on one and the opposite site-and alwyas cheering : )
Lu Yang