
Oldham Athletic vs. Leeds United

Thanks to all the Eintracht Frankfurt fans that turned up and also, the flag was great!  

Danke schön, Alles gute  
GuyofOldham schrieb:
Thanks to all the Eintracht Frankfurt fans that turned up and also, the flag was great!  

Danke schön, Alles gute    

Any pics?
I'd also be interested to see some pics and get some background stories. Who was visiting which match, how many Eintracht lads were there, pictures etc?

How many supporters were in the stadium, what was the result, how was the atmosphere?  

Come on, feed us...!!!  
Oldham v Leeds 1-1.
The Atmosphere was amazing!

About 15 Eintracht fans, Boundary Park (Oldham's stadium) was full!

It was shame. Oldham scored and Leeds scored 1 minute later  

I'll post some of the Pictures from the Oldham Athletic Site (www.oldhamathletic.co.uk)

Diese Farbe ist ja hier eigentlich völlig OffTopic und macht Augenkrebs.  
