
World record for Eintracht on 1st of November

Hi Kevin,
here is your shout:
SGE Frankfurt - Ami - eintrachtami ist in die haus!!: 16500 - 18:03 23/01/2009
Well done!

I'll send you a PN with some further information about the game.
You can find many of our players' nicks in here:

New league season starts at 11.oo CET and lasts until wednesday 21.oo CET.

Lets go for the title.

E I N T R A C H T !!

It's a nice community at PFYC:

SGE Frankfurt - AMI - eintracht!!!: 18600 - 17:22 27/01/2009
SGE Frankfurt - lad - greetings to miami - hi ami: 39800 - 17:23 27/01/2009

SGE Frankfurt - FMB - hi kevin - eintracht !: 110850 - 17:24 27/01/2009

SGE Frankfurt - AMI - eintrachtami: 35875 - 17:29 27/01/2009

SGE Frankfurt - lad - nice score kevin - clap: 123000 - 17:40 27/01/2009

Just some more trainings and you can "shout" at all the Adler  

Enzo aka lad
The foreign Adlers are coming, it is only a matter of time until Eintracht wins its trophy    
Hello friends!

Frankfurt - 1588 million
Gladbach - 1376 million

We´re on a good way!

Thanks "Ami" for your support. The title is ours!
Please spread the word.
What a fight against Gladbach, but in the end we sacked them. It was the toughest match I have played in! Respect to Galdbach and Cheers to all the proud Adler!

Euro-Cup has already startet. Our first round opponent is Burnley. At the moment everything is under control since we lead them by about 34 million points, having submitted 36 millions for SGE.

Keep fighting or start supporting!


The European Cup is running.

At 19.00 CET we will meet Gladbach. Again.  

We'll need every support we could get then.

I forgot to mention, that there is also a thread in German language:
Damn right!  
And Kevin knew it in advance:

ami SGE Frankfurt victory is ours!!!! 12675 18:22 30/01/2009

Well done ! You were part of a team that had one of its best weeks ever at PlayForYourClub.

Glad you joined us and hope you also celebrate a bit in Miami.

We are all EINTRACHT !

Frank (FMB)
Just a short reminder: Tommorow 11am CET starts the new European Challenge

click image

The drawing will be completed at about 8am CET and can be accessed here:

Join us once again to let the eagle fly alll over Europe !!!
Here is the draw for the Eurocup in week 06:

1st round (Thursday 11.oo to Friday 11.oo):
Werder Bremen

11.oo Gladbach

13.oo Duisburg / ASSE

15.oo Atletico / Union

17.oo Kölle / Marseilles / Barnet

19.oo ???
But this will only happen this way if we enough Eagles to fight with. So, be part of a fantastic team and win with us.

Today 11 o'clock CET the big match will start.
The arch rival Mönchengladbach is waiting to be punished.

Support Eintracht on it´s way to the final:

Victory came back to Frankfurt.

A great Eurocup ended with a well-deserved win for our beloved SGE.

On next monday, we have the chance to retrieve German Championship.

Be part of us!
