I prey upon your morbid fear Of terminal disease You won't know the difference Now it's time for surgery Another shot, another pill Two weeks therapy I take all major credit cards Your money is what I need
I'm a healer I will keep you all alive I'm a healer ...*sing*
Finger weg!
Unfreundliches, undankbares Pack!
The faith healer.... can I put my hands on you?
Du wohnst ja auch in einer Höhle und hörst nur AOR.
The Bollock Brothers? Anyone?
Ahja! Du hühner[bad][bad][bad]*****[/bad]n[/bad][/bad]der Death-Metal-Hörer!
Of terminal disease
You won't know the difference
Now it's time for surgery
Another shot, another pill
Two weeks therapy
I take all major credit cards
Your money is what I need
I'm a healer
I will keep you all alive
I'm a healer
Ich hör zwar sehr wenig Death Metal aber ist scho recht. ,-) Hab kein Salz mehr...
...oder war's Black Metal?
Musst du immer in alten Geschichten rumruehren?
Kein Mensch will wissen in wem Aragorn schon alles drin herum gerührt hat.
Oh shit, wie eklig
Nicht? Schade!