The tajut (meaning "a cut", or small amount) is a glass of Tocai Friulano, and is traditionally served as an aperitif at the local Frasca. A clean and delicate white wine, Tocai Friulano has been produced in this region for centuries and is an integral part of the Friulian wine experience. In Friuli, the tajut is a part of daily life, experienced with the regularity we reserve for the morning cup of coffee. Frasca proudly serves Tocai Friulano as part of its wine program.
HeinzGründel schrieb: The tajut (meaning "a cut", or small amount) is a glass of Tocai Friulano, and is traditionally served as an aperitif at the local Frasca. A clean and delicate white wine, Tocai Friulano has been produced in this region for centuries and is an integral part of the Friulian wine experience. In Friuli, the tajut is a part of daily life, experienced with the regularity we reserve for the morning cup of coffee. Frasca proudly serves Tocai Friulano as part of its wine program.
Anm.: mögliche Assoziationen wie "grottoschlecht", "Grottokick" u.ä. bin ich so frei mir zu verbieten, heute jedenfalls
Part of life? Auf ins Friaul.