
Das Assoziationsspiel

2te LIGA!!!
nie mehr, nie mehr.
stinksauer,aber so was von.
Trink mal ein Gläschen. ( Franz. Rotwein, trocken)
Anm.: mögliche Assoziationen wie "grottoschlecht", "Grottokick" u.ä. bin ich so frei mir zu verbieten, heute jedenfalls
Grottenolm Plitvice
HeinzGründel schrieb:
Grottenolm Plitvice

Soll auch schon von Holz beobachtet worden sein.
Die Isi: den ganzen Tag unterwegs, voll von Auswärtsfrikadellen und immer noch schneller. Deprimierend  :neutral-face
The tajut (meaning "a cut", or small amount) is a glass of Tocai Friulano, and is traditionally served as an aperitif at the local Frasca. A clean and delicate white wine, Tocai Friulano has been produced in this region for centuries and is an integral part of the Friulian wine experience. In Friuli, the tajut is a part of daily life, experienced with the regularity we reserve for the morning cup of coffee. Frasca proudly serves Tocai Friulano as part of its wine program.
HeinzGründel schrieb:
The tajut (meaning "a cut", or small amount) is a glass of Tocai Friulano, and is traditionally served as an aperitif at the local Frasca. A clean and delicate white wine, Tocai Friulano has been produced in this region for centuries and is an integral part of the Friulian wine experience. In Friuli, the tajut is a part of daily life, experienced with the regularity we reserve for the morning cup of coffee. Frasca proudly serves Tocai Friulano as part of its wine program.

Part of life? Auf ins Friaul.
Heute war CSD in Mannheim
Schnauze voll.
Was erlaube Mannschaft.
Gespielt,wie Flasche leer.
