


I am following Eintracht Frankfurt because of my interest in former Houston Dynamo and U.S. player, Ricardo Clark.  With the cable TV option I have in the U.S., I only receive one Bundesliga match per week and it is almost always Bayern Munich and whoever they happen to be playing.  U.S. fans of the Bundesliga were hoping to see a matchup of U.S. teammates Steve Cherundolo and Clark a couple of weeks ago.  Let's hope Clark can figure into the Eagles plans soon.  All this bench sitting is not good in a World Cup year.
Hello again,

Since your signing of Clark, I have been doing a lot of reading about my new team, Eintracht Frankfurt.  On my first day at this forum I was made offers of beer and äppelwoi...I think I was born to be an Eagle but did not realize it until this week!  Thank you for the hospitality.

I have read several times that Clark is on a loan deal.  Who is the other party in the loan?  He allowed his contract with Houston Dynamo to expire so he is an unrestricted free agent without obligations to any team.  That is why no fee was required.  This also makes him a tremendous bargain in my opinion.  A national team player with no investment so no risk.

Finally, when do you expect Clark will make his first appearance?  I am traveling to Los Angeles for the U.S. National Team's match tomorrow against Honduras and since Clark is not on the U.S. roster, will he be with Eintract at Nurnburg?  Is it likely or unlikely he will see minutes as early as this match?  Kickoff is at 6:30 AM on the U.S. West Coast so it will be difficult for me to find a place to watch it.  Skibbe should find Clark in good shape.  Although the MLS season ended in November, he has been interviewing with clubs in Europe and I have to believe he kept fit to show well.

Ok, I am off to practice my German!


Here a picture of Clark I like.  These are the kinds of tackles you can expect from him and that the Dynamo will miss.

If Clark remains with Eintracht next season I will visit Frankfurt so I can watch him play live (I come this year but already have a trip planned to see my second team, Blackpool.)

Again, sorry for this is in English.

I live in the U.S. and in addition to my MLS team, I closely follow an English second division team (Blackpool.)  As TV coverage in the U.S. is only of the Premier League, an audio only Internet feed is the only option for me to follow Blackpool.  Audio only for football is painful!  The rate for the Blackpool audio feed is US$80 year and it includes all games (not just home games.)  I would gladly pay double that for audio (any language) and video.  Eintracht recently signed Ricardo Clark and I would like to watch his progress and if an audio/video option were offered, I would subscribe to that.  I hope this helps.

Have fun,
I apologize this is in English.  I have noticed that this forum hosts an English language section from which I hope to follow the progess of the Eagles this season and the progress of Clark, too.

I am a fan of Houston Dynamo and also of Ricardo "Rico" Clark.  I have not read all the pages of this thread and what I have read has been through Internet translation so not all of it was clear.  Above,  JanFurtok4ever quoted part of an article I wrote for a Burney forum that I have a relationship with (at one time it was rumored that Burnley had an interest in Rico, too.)  I would encourage you to not make too much of the Ruiz kicking incident.  That is not the type of player Rico is.  You will be glad he is now wearing your shirt.

I hope the signing of Rico brings many American fans to the Eagles.  I feel that I now have a team in Germany to follow!

Viel Spaß,
Greetings, Eagles!

A Houston Dynamo fan here.  A Ricardo Clark fan, too, or more simply "Rico" as he is known in Houston.

In short order I think you will come to appreciate what Rico brings.  Outstanding vision, better than average speed, seldom caught out of position.  His naughty feet make him a brilliant tackler.  He looks for his opportunities to push into the final third and is a real offensive threat with the ball on his right foot.  His quiet, almost shy, off-field personality is the opposite of his aggresive defensive style.

Do not be alarmed by the MLS record suspension he received in 2007.  It was completely out of character and, as you might suspect, there is a story behind the story.  He drew the suspension for kicking notorious dirty player, Carlos Ruiz.  At the time, Ruiz was playing for Dynamo arch-rival FC Dallas and it is not exaggeration to say he was hated in every other MLS city for underhanded play and diving tactics.  This incident is well documented on You Tube.  Clark jumped to head a pass out of the box and Ruiz jumped into his back, knee first.  Both men fell to the ground, Clark got up and kicked Ruiz in the shoulder area.  In true Ruiz form, he stumbled a couple of steps then fell to the ground holding his face!  I would never condone what Clark did but sometimes its true that the man who throws the second punch draws the harshest punishment.  And sometimes, enough is enough.  Clark left the pitch to a standing ovation and received another as he passed through the stands in civilian clothes the next game at which there was no shortage of, "FREE RICO," banners.  Clark is class and quality and will be missed by all Dynamo fans.

I wish the Eagles much the success and look forward to following its progress and Rico's through the end of the season.  And take care of Rico, we need him in the red, white and blue in South Africa!

Have fun,