


Schau se dir doch beide an. Wirken beide unmotiviert, sehen schlaksig wie sau aus, und spielen nur passabel bis strafraumnaehe
Bin ich der einzige oder ist Kevin Grosskreutz ne juengere version von Alex Meier
Also ich wuerd jetzt nochma ganz gerne wissen welcher block morgen am besten fuer stimmung sein wird. schon ma danke im vorraus

ps: find ich ne geile aktion dass der liebe schur sich bei den fans bedankt
I dont like how much recent results influence people's opinions on the overall concept of the club.i remember after the win on opening day in Bremen everyone was sure that we were gonna be at the top of the table and make the champions league.i think we should really try and look past the last game or two but look at the progress this team has made in the years under Funkel and what Skibbe has done or failed to do.

I was a very strong supporter of Funkel for another year or two. I didnt see the team at a point where they could take the next spot.for this next step that Skibbe has so media-effectively talked about there needs to be an upgrade on the players general quality in many positions.When Ama is injured who the hell is supposed to fill that gap.I know that HB keeps trying to appease everyone by saying that Libero's and Fenin's combined quality are supposed to be sufficient, but thats not how it should be.We dont have two quality attackers who can be counted on to score a certain number of goals a season.

And thats only the front line.The one thing i have been a fan of under Skibbe is that he wants to take that step in the quality of players that are acquired.I mean by now we all know that Caio has failed and as much as we dont like it because our dreams and hopes were connected to him he will never be able to help us on a regular basis.Trying for players like Lincoln is in my mind the right step.I am not talking about buying washed up veterans who had their glory days like Koln is doing right now.But a player who clearly has the potential to be the centre piece to an offense or an entire team has to be more seriously considered that HB did.

I am not even going to get started about the defense and goaltending because by the time you read this one of them will be injured or have had a disastrous game in which the player caused 2-3 goals.

Quite honestly the one thing that I long for most right now is consistency.I would be just fine with a solid season without all the god damn ups and downs and 11 players we can actually call starters.

Alright I'm out.Please read and give me feedback on my points.youre welcome to disagree
Hesse1979 schrieb:
UWO_Adler schrieb:
Wenn irgendjemand detailiertere infos zu zuegen machen koennte waere dieser sehr herzlich bedankt ,-)

Die hier können das bestimmt http://www.bahn.de/p/view/index.shtml

ich meinte jetzt eher infos zu einem zug der auch von vielen anderen sgelern genutzt wird.trotzdem danke
Wenn irgendjemand detailiertere infos zu zuegen machen koennte waere dieser sehr herzlich bedankt ,-)
auch wegen rueckfahrt am gleichen tag noch.hab net vor nachts mit den boecken in ihrn staellen zu schlafen
(entschuldigt meine abwesenheit von umlauten)