V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta
[font=Comic Sans MS][big][b]Voilà![/b]
In [b]v[/b]iew, a humble [b]v[/b]audevillian [b]v[/b]eteran, cast [b]v[/b]icariously as both [b]v[/b]ictim and [b]v[/b]illain by the [b]v[/b]icissitudes of fate. This [b]v[/b]isage, no mere [b]v[/b]eneer of [b]v[/b]anity, is a [b]v[/b]estige of the [b]v[/b]ox populi, now [b]v[/b]acant and [b]v[/b]anished. However, this [b]v[/b]alorous [b]v[/b]isitation of a bygone [b]v[/b]exation stands [b]v[/b]ivified, and has [b]v[/b]owed to [b]v[/b]anquish these [b]v[/b]enal and [b]v[/b]irulent [b]v[/b]ermin [b]v[/b]anguarding [b]v[/b]ice and [b]v[/b]ouchsafing the [b]v[/b]iolently [b]v[/b]icious and [b]v[/b]oracious [b]v[/b]iolation of [b]v[/b]olition!
[b]The only [color=darkred]v[/color]erdict is [color=darkred]v[/color]engeance; a [color=darkred]v[/color]endetta held as a [color=darkred]v[/color]otive, not in [color=darkred]v[/color]ain, for the [color=darkred]v[/color]alue and [color=darkred]v[/color]eracity of such shall one day [color=darkred]v[/color]indicate the [color=darkred]v[/color]igilant and the [color=darkred]v[/color]irtuous.[/b]
[b]V[/b]erily, this [b]v[/b]ichyssoise of [b]v[/b]erbiage [b]v[/b]eers most [b]v[/b]erbose, so let me simply add that it's my [b]v[/b]ery good honor to meet you and [b]you may call me....