Such ma einer wann der nächste Flieger geht, ich flatsch alle, mir scheiß egal!!!!! Einmal im Leben ein Spielmacher ein gescheiter!!!! (sry Alex xD) WAS SOLL DAS? Wer fliegt mit? AHHHH ICH RAST AUS!!!
boy schrieb: Was glaubt ihr warum der Eintracht-Fanshop morgen zu hat??? Jetzt darf in ruhe gerätselt werden!!
Also ich habe da schon eine Vermutung, aber die behalte ich mal für mich
Ich vermute die haben morgen einen Workshop. Hat mir jemand verraten der Jemanden kennt, der Jemanden kennt desen Onkel das von jemandem gehört haben soll, desen Bruder bei irgend ner Frankfurter Zeitung arbeitet, die das auch nur vermutet. Was genaueres weis ich auch ned.
JohnyChamp2 schrieb: Such ma einer wann der nächste Flieger geht, ich flatsch alle, mir scheiß egal!!!!! Einmal im Leben ein Spielmacher ein gescheiter!!!! (sry Alex xD) WAS SOLL DAS? Wer fliegt mit? AHHHH ICH RAST AUS!!!
salle zusammen! kann das jemand übersetzen? das wurde gerade eben in das forum der Homepage von palmeiras geschrieben.,112470
Verdão pode perder Caio, informa jornal alemão Revelação do último Brasileiro estaria na mira do Eintracht Frankfurt
De acordo com o periódico alemão, o Frankfurt está disposto a pagar 4 milhões de euros (cerca de R$ 10,3 milhões) para contratar o jogador, por um perÃÂodo de quatro anos e meio. O diretor do clube alemão, Heribert Bruchhagen, disse acreditar que o acordo possa ser fechado nesta segunda-feira.
Na Alemanha, os torcedores do Frankfurt já dão a contratação como certa. Os fanáticos, inclusive, viram vÃÂdeos do jogador na internet e ficaram satisfeitos com a possÃÂvel contratação do clube.
- A realidade dos clubes brasileiros está mudando. Não podemos segurar nenhum jogador. A rotatividade de atletas serve para dar fluxo ao caixa, mas os alemães ainda não nos procuraram. Só tivemos uma sondagem no ano passado de um time da Holanda (Ajax) - disse Orlandi, em entrevista ao programa Mesa Redonda, da TV Gazeta.
DER_SCHLICHTER schrieb: Wie man einigen Brasilianischen medien entnehmen kann, wird der Wechsel wohl immer Dubioser
Denke nciht, dass der Wecshel nun noch klappen wird, da nun wohl mehr Ablöse verlangt wird, und etliche Hintermänner etwas fordern. Das wird der HB nicht mit sich machen lassen...
Schade dass es gestern in die Öffentlichkeit geriet
Aber mal sehen was draus wird...
Ohne präzise Quellenangabe ist das leider bzw. zum Glück eine vollkommen wertlose Info.
Verdão may lose Caio, tells German newspaper Revelation of the last Brazilian would be the focal point of Eintracht Frankfurt
Caio may leave Palmeiras (Credit: Lancepress!)
The crowd palmeirense can receive a bad news this Monday. The half Caio, one of the highlights of Verdão last year would be negotiated with Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany, according to the newspaper Bild.
According to the German journal, the Frankfurt are willing to pay 4 million euros (about $ 10.3 million) for hiring the player, for a period of four and a half years. The director of the German club, Heribert Bruchhagen, said believe that the agreement may be closed this Monday.
-- The Caio is one of our desires. It is a player we are looking at. It is important to fit within the salary range of the club - said the director.
In Germany, the Frankfurt fans already give the hiring as certain. The fans even saw videos of the player on the Internet and were satisfied with the possible hiring of the club.
-- The reality of the Brazilian clubs is changing. We can not hold any player. The rotation of athletes serve to flow to the box, but the Germans have not tried to. Only had a poll last year, a team of the Netherlands (Ajax) - Orlandi said in the interview programme Roundtable, the TV Gazeta.
With the arrival of Traffic, a new partner of Verdão, it is possible that the Brazilian club impede the completion of the business, as the new goal of Palmeiras is to reveal young talents and sell them for higher amounts. In addition, the board of the club of Italy Lecture recently renewed the contract of the player for five years - 50% of the federal rights of the half were purchased at the Grêmio Barueri.
sgealex24 schrieb: salle zusammen! kann das jemand übersetzen? das wurde gerade eben in das forum der Homepage von palmeiras geschrieben.,112470
Verdão pode perder Caio, informa jornal alemão Revelação do último Brasileiro estaria na mira do Eintracht Frankfurt
De acordo com o periódico alemão, o Frankfurt está disposto a pagar 4 milhões de euros (cerca de R$ 10,3 milhões) para contratar o jogador, por um perÃÂodo de quatro anos e meio. O diretor do clube alemão, Heribert Bruchhagen, disse acreditar que o acordo possa ser fechado nesta segunda-feira.
Na Alemanha, os torcedores do Frankfurt já dão a contratação como certa. Os fanáticos, inclusive, viram vÃÂdeos do jogador na internet e ficaram satisfeitos com a possÃÂvel contratação do clube.
- A realidade dos clubes brasileiros está mudando. Não podemos segurar nenhum jogador. A rotatividade de atletas serve para dar fluxo ao caixa, mas os alemães ainda não nos procuraram. Só tivemos uma sondagem no ano passado de um time da Holanda (Ajax) - disse Orlandi, em entrevista ao programa Mesa Redonda, da TV Gazeta.
The crowd palmeirense can receive a bad news this Monday. The half Caio, one of the highlights of Verdão last year would be negotiated with Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany, according to the newspaper Bild.
According to the German journal, the Frankfurt are willing to pay 4 million euros (about $ 10.3 million) for hiring the player, for a period of four and a half years. The director of the German club, Heribert Bruchhagen, said believe that the agreement may be closed this Monday.
-- The Caio is one of our desires. It is a player we are looking at. It is important to fit within the salary range of the club - said the director.
In Germany, the Frankfurt fans already give the hiring as certain. The fans even saw videos of the player on the Internet and were satisfied with the possible hiring of the club.
-- The reality of the Brazilian clubs is changing. We can not hold any player. The rotation of athletes serve to flow to the box, but the Germans have not tried to. Only had a poll last year, a team of the Netherlands (Ajax) - Orlandi said in the interview programme Roundtable, the TV Gazeta.
With the arrival of Traffic, a new partner of Verdão, it is possible that the Brazilian club impede the completion of the business, as the new goal of Palmeiras is to reveal young talents and sell them for higher amounts. In addition, the board of the club of Italy Lecture recently renewed the contract of the player for five years - 50% of the federal rights of the half were purchased at the Grêmio Barueri.
-- The reality of the Brazilian clubs is changing. We can not hold any player. The rotation of athletes serve to flow to the box, but the Germans have not tried to. Only had a poll last year, a team of the Netherlands (Ajax) - Orlandi said in the interview programme Roundtable, the TV Gazeta.
With the arrival of Traffic, a new partner of Verdão, it is possible that the Brazilian club impede the completion of the business, as the new goal of Palmeiras is to reveal young talents and sell them for higher amounts. In addition, the board of the club of Italy Lecture recently renewed the contract of the player for five years - 50% of the federal rights of the half were purchased at the Grêmio Barueri.
adler-der-berge schrieb: versteh ich das jetzt richtig angeblich hätte es keine offizielle anfrage aus frankfurt gegeben und die wollen nu noch 50%mehr haben????
So weit ich das verstehe, geht es nur darum, dass Palmerias nur 50% der Rechte an dem Spieler hält.
Verdão may lose Caio, tells German newspaper Revelation of the last Brazilian would be the focal point of Eintracht Frankfurt
Caio may leave Palmeiras (Credit: Lancepress!)
The crowd palmeirense can receive a bad news this Monday. The half Caio, one of the highlights of Verdão last year would be negotiated with Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany, according to the newspaper Bild.
According to the German journal, the Frankfurt are willing to pay 4 million euros (about $ 10.3 million) for hiring the player, for a period of four and a half years. The director of the German club, Heribert Bruchhagen, said believe that the agreement may be closed this Monday.
-- The Caio is one of our desires. It is a player we are looking at. It is important to fit within the salary range of the club - said the director.
In Germany, the Frankfurt fans already give the hiring as certain. The fans even saw videos of the player on the Internet and were satisfied with the possible hiring of the club.
-- The reality of the Brazilian clubs is changing. We can not hold any player. The rotation of athletes serve to flow to the box, but the Germans have not tried to. Only had a poll last year, a team of the Netherlands (Ajax) - Orlandi said in the interview programme Roundtable, the TV Gazeta.
With the arrival of Traffic, a new partner of Verdão, it is possible that the Brazilian club impede the completion of the business, as the new goal of Palmeiras is to reveal young talents and sell them for higher amounts. In addition, the board of the club of Italy Lecture recently renewed the contract of the player for five years - 50% of the federal rights of the half were purchased at the Grêmio Barueri.
Nachdem ich mir das mal übersetzt habe bekomme ich Magenschmerzen...
Palmeiras confirms proposal and can negotiate with Caio time German Marcius Azevedo In Sao Paulo The manager of the football Palmeiras, Tom CecÃÂlio, confirmed here Monday that the Palmeiras received an official proposal from Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany, and can negotiate the half Caio.
The value of the bid, however, was not disclosed by the leader, but, according to German newspaper Bild, the business would be closed for four million.
Leaf Image Caio has proposal from Eintracht Frankfurt and can leave Palmeiras in the coming days "There is the interest [of Eintracht], but has nothing closed. Received this proposal, we will consider, but is not set," said Tom. "They have rushed to set the matter, but we are still analyzing some things," completed.
If you accept this offer, the Palmeiras would take 50% of the total trading, since last year, the club has acquired only half of the rights of federal Grêmio Barueri, which continued with the rest.
In matters disclosed by the newspaper Bild, the business is already taken for granted, including the team leader with a German saying that Caio would be in Germany this second. Information denied by Tom CecÃÂlio.
Caio, who has training in the pre-season as the holder of the technical team Vanderlei Luxemburgo, is still compared to other Brazilian: the former santista Diego, which today is one of the highlights of Werder Bremen.
also da dort steht das man von der eintracht noch nicht offiziell angefragt worden sei halt ich den artikel für wertlos oder einfach nicht aktuell. HB wird kaum so viel von dem transfer erzählen wenn er noch nicht mal beim verein angefragt hätte. so seh ich das mal !
ok wenn es nur darum geht das palmeiras nur 50% der transferrechte hält dürfte es kein großes problem sein da gehn dan 2mio an palmeiras und der rest an naja irgendwelche agenturen oder...
hansolo21 schrieb: also da dort steht das man von der eintracht noch nicht offiziell angefragt worden sei halt ich den artikel für wertlos oder einfach nicht aktuell. HB wird kaum so viel von dem transfer erzählen wenn er noch nicht mal beim verein angefragt hätte. so seh ich das mal !
das bezog sich noch auf den älteren artikel. so langsam scheinen es ja auch die brasilianer zu merken was sache ist ! Er wird kommen !!!!! von echten problemem steht da mal nix würde ich sagen !
jo jetzt scheinen es auch die brasilianer begriffen zu haben... vergleichen ihn gleich mal mit diego.... wenn er dessen klasse mit 21 hat dann auweia wird das ne geile saison 08/09
adler-der-berge schrieb: ok wenn es nur darum geht das palmeiras nur 50% der transferrechte hält dürfte es kein großes problem sein da gehn dan 2mio an palmeiras und der rest an naja irgendwelche agenturen oder...
naja ganz so sicher wär ich mir da nicht, das das alles ganz einfach läuft... was fakt ist, ist das HB nicht viel tiefer in die tasche greifen wird und man sich vmtl. zurückzieht wenn das ganze zu bunt wird...
Artikel die hier permanent vorgeholt werden würde ich erstmal außen vor lassen, da keiner weiß welcher artikel wann geschrieben wurde, wann recherchiert wurde bzw. wer wo abgekupfert hat... wie sich hier der thread entwickelt zeigt deutlich wie reaktionen schwanken können, da reicht ein satz um panik zu verbreiten... evtl. ist dieser satz aber schon älter als wir denken... im end bleibt eigentlich nur entspanntes abwarten und nicht zu sehr reinsteigern... denn das hilft eh net..
adler-der-berge schrieb: ok wenn es nur darum geht das palmeiras nur 50% der transferrechte hält dürfte es kein großes problem sein da gehn dan 2mio an palmeiras und der rest an naja irgendwelche agenturen oder...
Palmeiras hat Caio selst nur ausgeliehen und hält deswegen wohl nur 50% der Rechte, das könnte das Problem sein...
ich flatsch alle,
mir scheiß egal!!!!!
Einmal im Leben ein Spielmacher ein gescheiter!!!! (sry Alex xD)
Wer fliegt mit?
geheimniskrämer ,-)
Ich vermute die haben morgen einen Workshop.
Hat mir jemand verraten der Jemanden kennt, der Jemanden kennt
desen Onkel das von jemandem gehört haben soll, desen Bruder
bei irgend ner Frankfurter Zeitung arbeitet, die das auch nur vermutet.
Was genaueres weis ich auch ned.
Wenn nicht klappt, muss uns die BILD einen Ersatz besorgen!
das wurde gerade eben in das forum der Homepage von palmeiras geschrieben.,112470
Verdão pode perder Caio, informa jornal alemão
Revelação do último Brasileiro estaria na mira do Eintracht Frankfurt
Caio pode deixar o Palmeiras (Crédito: Lancepress!)
A torcida palmeirense pode receber uma péssima notÃÂcia nesta segunda-feira. O meia Caio, um dos destaques do Verdão no ano passado, estaria negociado com o Eintracht Frankfurt, da Alemanha, segundo o jornal Bild.
De acordo com o periódico alemão, o Frankfurt está disposto a pagar 4 milhões de euros (cerca de R$ 10,3 milhões) para contratar o jogador, por um perÃÂodo de quatro anos e meio. O diretor do clube alemão, Heribert Bruchhagen, disse acreditar que o acordo possa ser fechado nesta segunda-feira.
- O Caio é um de nossos desejos. É um jogador que estamos observando. É importante que se enquadre na faixa salarial do clube - declarou o diretor.
Na Alemanha, os torcedores do Frankfurt já dão a contratação como certa. Os fanáticos, inclusive, viram vÃÂdeos do jogador na internet e ficaram satisfeitos com a possÃÂvel contratação do clube.
Apesar das declarações da imprensa germânica, Savério Orlandi, diretor de futebol do Palmeiras, revelou que o clube paulista ainda não foi procurado oficialmente pelo Frankfurt.
- A realidade dos clubes brasileiros está mudando. Não podemos segurar nenhum jogador. A rotatividade de atletas serve para dar fluxo ao caixa, mas os alemães ainda não nos procuraram. Só tivemos uma sondagem no ano passado de um time da Holanda (Ajax) - disse Orlandi, em entrevista ao programa Mesa Redonda, da TV Gazeta.
Com a chegada da Traffic, nova parceira do Verdão, é possÃÂvel que o clube brasileiro dificulte a finalização do negócio, já que a nova meta do Palmeiras é revelar jovens talentos e vendê-los por quantias altas. Além disso, a diretoria do clube do Palestra Itália recém renovou o contrato do jogador por cinco anos - 50% dos direitos federativos do meia foram comprados junto ao Grêmio Barueri.
Ohne präzise Quellenangabe ist das leider bzw. zum Glück eine vollkommen wertlose Info.
Verdão may lose Caio, tells German newspaper
Revelation of the last Brazilian would be the focal point of Eintracht Frankfurt
Caio may leave Palmeiras (Credit: Lancepress!)
The crowd palmeirense can receive a bad news this Monday. The half Caio, one of the highlights of Verdão last year would be negotiated with Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany, according to the newspaper Bild.
According to the German journal, the Frankfurt are willing to pay 4 million euros (about $ 10.3 million) for hiring the player, for a period of four and a half years. The director of the German club, Heribert Bruchhagen, said believe that the agreement may be closed this Monday.
-- The Caio is one of our desires. It is a player we are looking at. It is important to fit within the salary range of the club - said the director.
In Germany, the Frankfurt fans already give the hiring as certain. The fans even saw videos of the player on the Internet and were satisfied with the possible hiring of the club.
Despite the statements of the German press, Savério Orlandi, director of football of Palmeiras, Sao Paulo revealed that the club has not been officially sought by Frankfurt.
-- The reality of the Brazilian clubs is changing. We can not hold any player. The rotation of athletes serve to flow to the box, but the Germans have not tried to. Only had a poll last year, a team of the Netherlands (Ajax) - Orlandi said in the interview programme Roundtable, the TV Gazeta.
With the arrival of Traffic, a new partner of Verdão, it is possible that the Brazilian club impede the completion of the business, as the new goal of Palmeiras is to reveal young talents and sell them for higher amounts. In addition, the board of the club of Italy Lecture recently renewed the contract of the player for five years - 50% of the federal rights of the half were purchased at the Grêmio Barueri.
Das steht so auch schon seit Stunden auf
The crowd palmeirense can receive a bad news this Monday. The half Caio, one of the highlights of Verdão last year would be negotiated with Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany, according to the newspaper Bild.
According to the German journal, the Frankfurt are willing to pay 4 million euros (about $ 10.3 million) for hiring the player, for a period of four and a half years. The director of the German club, Heribert Bruchhagen, said believe that the agreement may be closed this Monday.
-- The Caio is one of our desires. It is a player we are looking at. It is important to fit within the salary range of the club - said the director.
In Germany, the Frankfurt fans already give the hiring as certain. The fans even saw videos of the player on the Internet and were satisfied with the possible hiring of the club.
Despite the statements of the German press, Savério Orlandi, director of football of Palmeiras, Sao Paulo revealed that the club has not been officially sought by Frankfurt. ?
-- The reality of the Brazilian clubs is changing. We can not hold any player. The rotation of athletes serve to flow to the box, but the Germans have not tried to. Only had a poll last year, a team of the Netherlands (Ajax) - Orlandi said in the interview programme Roundtable, the TV Gazeta.
With the arrival of Traffic, a new partner of Verdão, it is possible that the Brazilian club impede the completion of the business, as the new goal of Palmeiras is to reveal young talents and sell them for higher amounts. In addition, the board of the club of Italy Lecture recently renewed the contract of the player for five years - 50% of the federal rights of the half were purchased at the Grêmio Barueri.
Despite the statements of the German press, Savério Orlandi, director of football of Palmeiras, Sao Paulo revealed that the club has not been officially sought by Frankfurt. ?
-- The reality of the Brazilian clubs is changing. We can not hold any player. The rotation of athletes serve to flow to the box, but the Germans have not tried to. Only had a poll last year, a team of the Netherlands (Ajax) - Orlandi said in the interview programme Roundtable, the TV Gazeta.
With the arrival of Traffic, a new partner of Verdão, it is possible that the Brazilian club impede the completion of the business, as the new goal of Palmeiras is to reveal young talents and sell them for higher amounts. In addition, the board of the club of Italy Lecture recently renewed the contract of the player for five years - 50% of the federal rights of the half were purchased at the Grêmio Barueri.
So weit ich das verstehe, geht es nur darum, dass Palmerias nur 50% der Rechte an dem Spieler hält.
Nachdem ich mir das mal übersetzt habe bekomme ich Magenschmerzen...
Palmeiras confirms proposal and can negotiate with Caio time German
Marcius Azevedo
In Sao Paulo
The manager of the football Palmeiras, Tom CecÃÂlio, confirmed here Monday that the Palmeiras received an official proposal from Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany, and can negotiate the half Caio.
The value of the bid, however, was not disclosed by the leader, but, according to German newspaper Bild, the business would be closed for four million.
Leaf Image
Caio has proposal from Eintracht Frankfurt and can leave Palmeiras in the coming days
"There is the interest [of Eintracht], but has nothing closed. Received this proposal, we will consider, but is not set," said Tom. "They have rushed to set the matter, but we are still analyzing some things," completed.
If you accept this offer, the Palmeiras would take 50% of the total trading, since last year, the club has acquired only half of the rights of federal Grêmio Barueri, which continued with the rest.
In matters disclosed by the newspaper Bild, the business is already taken for granted, including the team leader with a German saying that Caio would be in Germany this second. Information denied by Tom CecÃÂlio.
Caio, who has training in the pre-season as the holder of the technical team Vanderlei Luxemburgo, is still compared to other Brazilian: the former santista Diego, which today is one of the highlights of Werder Bremen.
so seh ich das mal !
das bezog sich noch auf den älteren artikel. so langsam scheinen es ja auch die brasilianer zu merken was sache ist !
Er wird kommen !!!!! von echten problemem steht da mal nix würde ich sagen !
naja ganz so sicher wär ich mir da nicht, das das alles ganz einfach läuft...
was fakt ist, ist das HB nicht viel tiefer in die tasche greifen wird und man sich vmtl. zurückzieht wenn das ganze zu bunt wird...
Artikel die hier permanent vorgeholt werden würde ich erstmal außen vor lassen, da keiner weiß welcher artikel wann geschrieben wurde, wann recherchiert wurde bzw. wer wo abgekupfert hat... wie sich hier der thread entwickelt zeigt deutlich wie reaktionen schwanken können, da reicht ein satz um panik zu verbreiten... evtl. ist dieser satz aber schon älter als wir denken...
im end bleibt eigentlich nur entspanntes abwarten und nicht zu sehr reinsteigern... denn das hilft eh net..
Palmeiras hat Caio selst nur ausgeliehen und hält deswegen wohl nur 50% der Rechte, das könnte das Problem sein...