
Formel 1 Saison 2010 [Eintracht äääh Vettel ist Weltmeister!]

tomisl schrieb:
hier nochmal alonso zu petrov:

Ach wie schee, der Vettel hats gemacht.    

Petrov Radio: "Vitaly, Fernando is fasters than you, can you understand that message?"

Petrov said: "I´m not a Ferrari driver!"

tomisl schrieb:
hier nochmal alonso zu petrov:

Ach wie schee, der Vettel hats gemacht.    

Petrovs Reaktion danach hab ich eben das erste mal gesehen ... köstlich  
tomisl schrieb:
hier nochmal alonso zu petrov:

Ach wie schee, der Vettel hats gemacht.    

Haha das ist so geil mit den Kommentaren noch  

Klar macht er jetzt einen auf fairen Verlierer, aber nach dem Rennen hat man seine wahre Natur gesehen.

As just one example of Vettel's determined ordinariness he insists that, whenever he watches Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga, he stands anonymously among the fans. "I've never been to a corporate box or a lounge to watch football. I couldn't do that. You want to be with the fans who are singing and shouting. And at half-time I enjoy going down and standing in the queue to get a sausage with everyone else."

Does he get recognised much because of his burgeoning status in Formula One, having won four races last season? "The last time I went it was a derby match against Mainz. A bit like Arsenal and Chelsea – except much smaller. I had my hat pulled down low and only a couple of people recognised me. But I wasn't hiding. I was just like everyone else, huddling against the cold. But we won that day and I went away very happy. That's what sport is about for me."

Er ist einer von uns!!!

Sorry wenns schonmal gepostet wurde!
Shlomo schrieb:
tomisl schrieb:
hier nochmal alonso zu petrov:

Ach wie schee, der Vettel hats gemacht.    

Petrov Radio: "Vitaly, Fernando is fasters than you, can you understand that message?"

Petrov said: "I´m not a Ferrari driver!"


Jetzt wird der Becher den Tuchel letztes Jahr im Sportstudio bekommen noch richtig was wert, was Vettel damals ja schon gesagt hatte...


2.35 Minuten        ,-)
Petrov, Du geile Sau  
Man man - ist das gerecht....

Man sollte ihm einen schönen Eintracht-Aufkleber für seinen Renner spendieren.

Filzlaus, übernehmen Sie!  
Ich hab mit Formel 1 so nichts, aber auch gar nichts am Hut...

Doch dem Sebastian Vettel gratuliere ich ganz doll zu seinem Titel.
Wer einen Adler im Herzen trägt, hat es einfach verdient!!!
Glückwunsch Kleener.  
XxBehindBlueEyes81xX schrieb:

As just one example of Vettel's determined ordinariness he insists that, whenever he watches Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga, he stands anonymously among the fans. "I've never been to a corporate box or a lounge to watch football. I couldn't do that. You want to be with the fans who are singing and shouting. And at half-time I enjoy going down and standing in the queue to get a sausage with everyone else."

Does he get recognised much because of his burgeoning status in Formula One, having won four races last season? "The last time I went it was a derby match against Mainz. A bit like Arsenal and Chelsea – except much smaller. I had my hat pulled down low and only a couple of people recognised me. But I wasn't hiding. I was just like everyone else, huddling against the cold. But we won that day and I went away very happy. That's what sport is about for me."

Er ist einer von uns!!!

Sorry wenns schonmal gepostet wurde!  

Kannte ich so noch nicht. Das klingt ja nach Stehblock! Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen. Das wäre ja der Hammer  
Eintracht23 schrieb:
XxBehindBlueEyes81xX schrieb:

As just one example of Vettel's determined ordinariness he insists that, whenever he watches Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga, he stands anonymously among the fans. "I've never been to a corporate box or a lounge to watch football. I couldn't do that. You want to be with the fans who are singing and shouting. And at half-time I enjoy going down and standing in the queue to get a sausage with everyone else."

Does he get recognised much because of his burgeoning status in Formula One, having won four races last season? "The last time I went it was a derby match against Mainz. A bit like Arsenal and Chelsea – except much smaller. I had my hat pulled down low and only a couple of people recognised me. But I wasn't hiding. I was just like everyone else, huddling against the cold. But we won that day and I went away very happy. That's what sport is about for me."

Er ist einer von uns!!!

Sorry wenns schonmal gepostet wurde!  

Kannte ich so noch nicht. Das klingt ja nach Stehblock! Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen. Das wäre ja der Hammer    

Nein kein Stehblock, er saß
wo ist der becher eigentich im museum?
Eintracht23 schrieb:

Kannte ich so noch nicht. Das klingt ja nach Stehblock! Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen. Das wäre ja der Hammer    

c0Ltm4niac schrieb:
Eintracht23 schrieb:
XxBehindBlueEyes81xX schrieb:

As just one example of Vettel's determined ordinariness he insists that, whenever he watches Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga, he stands anonymously among the fans. "I've never been to a corporate box or a lounge to watch football. I couldn't do that. You want to be with the fans who are singing and shouting. And at half-time I enjoy going down and standing in the queue to get a sausage with everyone else."

Does he get recognised much because of his burgeoning status in Formula One, having won four races last season? "The last time I went it was a derby match against Mainz. A bit like Arsenal and Chelsea – except much smaller. I had my hat pulled down low and only a couple of people recognised me. But I wasn't hiding. I was just like everyone else, huddling against the cold. But we won that day and I went away very happy. That's what sport is about for me."

Er ist einer von uns!!!

Sorry wenns schonmal gepostet wurde!  

Kannte ich so noch nicht. Das klingt ja nach Stehblock! Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen. Das wäre ja der Hammer    

Nein kein Stehblock, er saß

Also bist du einer der ihn erkannt hat
Ich sag nur:

"Herrjeh, welche Leistung!!"

Meine Hochachtung!
Glückwunsch zum WM-Titel          
das interview mit seinem vater auf sky war klasse!

c0Ltm4niac schrieb:
Eintracht23 schrieb:
XxBehindBlueEyes81xX schrieb:

As just one example of Vettel's determined ordinariness he insists that, whenever he watches Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga, he stands anonymously among the fans. "I've never been to a corporate box or a lounge to watch football. I couldn't do that. You want to be with the fans who are singing and shouting. And at half-time I enjoy going down and standing in the queue to get a sausage with everyone else."

Does he get recognised much because of his burgeoning status in Formula One, having won four races last season? "The last time I went it was a derby match against Mainz. A bit like Arsenal and Chelsea – except much smaller. I had my hat pulled down low and only a couple of people recognised me. But I wasn't hiding. I was just like everyone else, huddling against the cold. But we won that day and I went away very happy. That's what sport is about for me."

Er ist einer von uns!!!

Sorry wenns schonmal gepostet wurde!  

Kannte ich so noch nicht. Das klingt ja nach Stehblock! Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen. Das wäre ja der Hammer    

Nein kein Stehblock, er saß

und zwar haupttribüne. 14 D E oder F
RTL ist echt das letzte, der Vettel ist Weltmeister und die zeigen Bauer sucht Frau.
Eintracht23 schrieb:
c0Ltm4niac schrieb:
Eintracht23 schrieb:
XxBehindBlueEyes81xX schrieb:

As just one example of Vettel's determined ordinariness he insists that, whenever he watches Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga, he stands anonymously among the fans. "I've never been to a corporate box or a lounge to watch football. I couldn't do that. You want to be with the fans who are singing and shouting. And at half-time I enjoy going down and standing in the queue to get a sausage with everyone else."

Does he get recognised much because of his burgeoning status in Formula One, having won four races last season? "The last time I went it was a derby match against Mainz. A bit like Arsenal and Chelsea – except much smaller. I had my hat pulled down low and only a couple of people recognised me. But I wasn't hiding. I was just like everyone else, huddling against the cold. But we won that day and I went away very happy. That's what sport is about for me."

Er ist einer von uns!!!

Sorry wenns schonmal gepostet wurde!  

Kannte ich so noch nicht. Das klingt ja nach Stehblock! Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen. Das wäre ja der Hammer    

Nein kein Stehblock, er saß

Also bist du einer der ihn erkannt hat

Ehrlich gesagt hätte ich ihn nicht erkannt ... selbst wenn er sich direkt neben mich gehockt hätte

Denn das Spiel auf dem Grün interessiert mich mehr als der Sitznachbar
DeWalli schrieb:
RTL ist echt das letzte, der Vettel ist Weltmeister und die zeigen Bauer sucht Frau.

Einstimmung auf Bayern vs. Nürnberg
