We (the newsletter-team) would like to organize a fix meeting point, if anybody might come to the stadium and want to meet with us or some other English-speaking fans. We propose, that anybody interested in such a meeting should come one hour before each home-match in front of the Eintracht-museum (which can be found at the left side of the main tribune). We all will try to be there although there’s no guarantee (due to the fact that for work reasons, it will be difficult to be there all the time.) But there is a chance that we might establish a meeting point throughout the months and years. And the people from Australia or Ireland will meet our friends from China or Japan. So if you are at the stadium, have a look and join us!
Let us again try to meet on Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.. I'm quite tall and will stand right at the entrance of the museum, probably holding a stadium magazine in my hand.
Yours, Alex
and I'm sure I could be able to help you in spanish
great ideo hope we can make it real... ^^
I'll try to be there tomorrow at 14:30 as well as Wednesday 17:30. Let's see.
This time, there were 6 persons meeting in front of the museum, maybe we can go on like this against Bochum in 2 weeks.