Please my dear, do not feel embarrassed by my mail to you. I am Mrs. Emma Lapuz,The wife of Rev.Edison Lapuz,a prominent human right defender and Conference Minister of North Eastern Leyte Conference Coordinator of Eastern Visayas Convenors of Visayas Jurisdiction, Who his sudden killing on the 12th of may 2005 has been a shock to me and my children. Well during my late husband death threat, he gave me the total sum of $10.3, million dollars for the up keeping/future of our children and asks me to put it in a metallic box and deposit it in a security and finance company in abroad.
This deposit was coded under a secret arrangement as a family treasure. This means that the security company does not even know the content of this trunk box. Since the death of my late husband, the Philippine government has blocked all me and my late husband account and also my late husband family has succeed in collecting from me all the properties of my late husband, trying to leave me with nothing for the future of my children I am contacting you because I want you to help me in securing the money in the box for the future of my children. Since my late husband family made it impossible for me to have access to calls or to move out of the house as they always monitor me.
I hope to trust you as who will not sit on this money when you claim it. I will give you 15% of the total money after you have successfully secured the box. For your assistance to me. If you are willing to help me,email me at XXX@XXX.XXX Thanks and i wait to hear from you urgently Best regards Mrs. Emma Lapuz
Edit: Bitte ignoriert diese Mails und löscht sie. Auf keinen Fall befolgt irgendetwas davon was darin geschrieben steht! Diese Masche ist uralt, aber offensichtlich immer noch lukrativ.
ich betreue einige phpBB-Foren und habe dort heute auch erstmals Spam-PN bekommen. Wir schaffen nur die Foren, wo jeder neue User extra vom Admin freigeschaltet werden muss, fei von unerwünschten Messages und Usern zu halten.
Da hier bestimmt nicht irgend jemand in der Benutzerliste auf Steckbriefe, PN schreiben und mit Paste&Copy gearbeitet hat frage ich mich, wie das technisch möglich ist.
Hatte den Kram auch, was will dieses Lapuz-Ding überhaupt. Immer diese Scheiss Spams überall, egal ob in den E-Mails, daheim am Telefon und jetzt kommen diese Wic.hser sogar noch hier rein.
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bin ich der einzige???
Dieses Mail habe ich gerade als PN erhalten.
Nachricht von lapuz Online (15.11.2007 01:43)
Hello dear,
Please my dear, do not feel embarrassed by my mail to you. I am Mrs. Emma Lapuz,The wife of Rev.Edison Lapuz,a prominent human right defender and Conference Minister of North Eastern Leyte Conference Coordinator of Eastern Visayas Convenors of Visayas Jurisdiction, Who his sudden killing on the 12th of may 2005 has been a shock to me and my children.
Well during my late husband death threat, he gave me the total sum of $10.3, million dollars for the up keeping/future of our children and asks me to put it in a metallic box and deposit it in a security and finance company in abroad.
This deposit was coded under a secret arrangement as a family treasure. This means that the security company does not even know the content of this trunk box.
Since the death of my late husband, the Philippine government has blocked all me and my late husband account and also my late husband family has succeed in collecting from me all the properties of my late husband, trying to leave me with nothing for the future of my children
I am contacting you because I want you to help me in securing the money in the box for the future of my children. Since my late husband family made it impossible for me to have access to calls or to move out of the house as they always monitor me.
I hope to trust you as who will not sit on this money when you claim it. I will give you 15% of the total money after you have successfully secured the box. For your assistance to me. If you are willing to help me,email me at XXX@XXX.XXX
Thanks and i wait to hear from you urgently
Best regards
Mrs. Emma Lapuz
Antworten an lapuz:
Wo die sich alle einnisten
Edit: Bitte ignoriert diese Mails und löscht sie.
Auf keinen Fall befolgt irgendetwas davon was darin geschrieben steht!
Diese Masche ist uralt, aber offensichtlich immer noch lukrativ.
Für weitere Informationen lest bitte hier:
krass und das als pn...
also ich hab sowas nich bekommen..
Wir schaffen nur die Foren, wo jeder neue User extra vom Admin freigeschaltet werden muss, fei von unerwünschten Messages und Usern zu halten.
Habe die Dame? schon wieder im Posteingang
Die alde geht mir auf Sack !!! Also echt, wird ja langsam zur Nervenbelastung...
Werde mal versuchen rauszubekommen wie das möglich ist. Das IT ist somit informiert.
ich habe die Mail auch erhalten.
Wahrscheinlich haben hunderte User so was im Postfach.
lg, Astrid
Das war sein erster Nick der noch gestern Abend gesperrt wurde.