its easy to find, just go to the centralstation. its close to rauthausplatz. take train "A or B and get off at glostrup, brøndbyøster og brøndby strand... there speciel busses to the stadium from there... its a bit off a trip "30-45min" so leave in good time...
From centralstation Kopenhagen you also can fix signs with "Offenbach" or "Bieberer Berg". So it would be very easy for us to find it. In Frankfurt it means the same like "Brøndy" or "stadium".
Karsten schrieb: From centralstation Kopenhagen you also can fix signs with "Offenbach" or "Bieberer Berg". So it would be very easy for us to find it. In Frankfurt it means the same like "Brøndy" or "stadium".
cph111 schrieb: maybe u will, but we will never surrender..... but we´ll see when u enter our famous stadium... we are undefeated there for many years....
Den 28/09 er det slut med denne rekord, i jeres skønne stadion !
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You have seen the famoust Stadium in Europe
last week... !
And on 9/28th you `ll see the most fanatic
fan-freaks in your life....!!!
no i was´t in frankfurt. but the guys had a wonderful trip, eventhouth we lost...
Now I know why you say, your stadium is the best!
rofl - hat Bröndby auch keine eigene Vorwahl?
i did see the match in frankfurt so dont know how good u are???
but wee´l see...
always behind our team... allez allez......
See you!
but you will easily find the stadium...
Den 28/09 er det slut med denne rekord, i jeres skønne stadion !
thats a pure copy...
dont u guys have anything of your own???
A guy from Kopenhagen told me the same. Hospitable if we will not be angry or something else.
no its not the same...
brøndby lays in the sub´ers...