Einer von Sotos Mitspielern bei Liverpool, Lucas, twittert seit einiger Zeit. Auch über "unseren" Griechen zwitschert er fleissig. Hier paar Auszüge enstanden jetzt in den letzten Tagen auf dem Weg nach Madrid:
Kyrgiakos now sitting with the driver. Telling him that he's 'A carnivore, plain and simple. Only the weak and women eat anything green'.
Off to try and get some sleep now. Nabil 'n Babel still rapping in Dutch and French together. Kyrgiakos sleeping standing up, fists clenched
Sorry guys, had no connection. Few updates, was woken up very early this morning (6am) - by Kyrgiakos blowing his medieval horn. He blew it, thrice, and shouted "and so signals the start of a new day", looked to the floor and bowed. Carra threw his shoe at him & screeched "what fuckin time do you call this you Greek tit" Didnt seem to affect Soto, I think hes in a trance
Its so hot because Kyrgiakos has turned the heating up to full. When questioned about it he replies with only : "This is a mans world"
Soto is doing his daily sermon. He's telling us that the Volcano was Zeus's vengeance for us allowing the obese to live. Hes truly lost it now. Hes in the toilet frantically cutting his own hair, muttering 'survival of the fittest'. NGog trying to stop him.
Soto asking all passengers if they want their toenails cut by Machete. Says its the 'natural way'. God knows how he got it through customs.
Been trying to sleep for hours. Soto talks & smokes a pipe in his sleep. I dread to think what tobacco it is, but it smells like raw meat. He doesnt just talk in his sleep, he has actual conversations. He seems to be arguing that there is no better smell than driving past a farm
Just spied Kyrgiakos' shopping list : 1. Whole Goat (recently deceased), 2. Flammable Trident 3. Blast Furnace. Freaky. Its written in blood
tomisl schrieb: Soto asking all passengers if they want their toenails cut by Machete. Says its the 'natural way'. God knows how he got it through customs.
LucasLeiva21 schrieb: No-one else on the dance floor, only about 6 people in the bar in total. Soto has no nipples or belly button, he's like a huge Action Man.
ich hab zwar die mittlere Reife mit Bravour geschafft, kann aber den ganzen englischen Twitter-Schrott nicht verständlich übersetzen. Einige von Euch müssen ja echte Englischfreaks sein, wenn man die hochgeistigen Antworten liest. Kann mir jemand von Euch Spezialisten den Text übersetzen oder ist die deutsche Sprache schon out und verboten? man muss ja nicht immer mit dem Strom schwimmen nur weil es cool erscheint. Also wer übersetzt ? Danke im voraus.
ich hab zwar die mittlere Reife mit Bravour geschafft, kann aber den ganzen englischen Twitter-Schrott nicht verständlich übersetzen. Einige von Euch müssen ja echte Englischfreaks sein, wenn man die hochgeistigen Antworten liest. Kann mir jemand von Euch Spezialisten den Text übersetzen oder ist die deutsche Sprache schon out und verboten? man muss ja nicht immer mit dem Strom schwimmen nur weil es cool erscheint. Also wer übersetzt ? Danke im voraus.
ich hab zwar die mittlere Reife mit Bravour geschafft, kann aber den ganzen englischen Twitter-Schrott nicht verständlich übersetzen[...] oder ist die deutsche Sprache schon out und verboten? man muss ja nicht immer mit dem Strom schwimmen nur weil es cool erscheint. Also wer übersetzt ? Danke im voraus.
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Stand up and Fuck you
Meinen Zehner auf Liverpool kann ich wohl abschminken....
Spiel ich jetzt das rote oder doch das blaue Album von den Beatles??
Warum,Liverpool hat noch 1-0 gewonnen ,-)
Kyrgiakos now sitting with the driver. Telling him that he's 'A carnivore, plain and simple. Only the weak and women eat anything green'.
Off to try and get some sleep now. Nabil 'n Babel still rapping in Dutch and French together. Kyrgiakos sleeping standing up, fists clenched
Sorry guys, had no connection. Few updates, was woken up very early this morning (6am) - by Kyrgiakos blowing his medieval horn.
He blew it, thrice, and shouted "and so signals the start of a new day", looked to the floor and bowed.
Carra threw his shoe at him & screeched "what fuckin time do you call this you Greek tit" Didnt seem to affect Soto, I think hes in a trance
Its so hot because Kyrgiakos has turned the heating up to full. When questioned about it he replies with only : "This is a mans world"
Soto is doing his daily sermon. He's telling us that the Volcano was Zeus's vengeance for us allowing the obese to live.
Hes truly lost it now. Hes in the toilet frantically cutting his own hair, muttering 'survival of the fittest'. NGog trying to stop him.
Soto asking all passengers if they want their toenails cut by Machete. Says its the 'natural way'. God knows how he got it through customs.
Been trying to sleep for hours. Soto talks & smokes a pipe in his sleep. I dread to think what tobacco it is, but it smells like raw meat.
He doesnt just talk in his sleep, he has actual conversations. He seems to be arguing that there is no better smell than driving past a farm
Just spied Kyrgiakos' shopping list : 1. Whole Goat (recently deceased), 2. Flammable Trident 3. Blast Furnace. Freaky. Its written in blood
Wie geil!
Soto played the same note for 35 minutes without drawing breath. Then he sat down, cross legged, and prayed.
All was quite relaxed. Suddenly all the lights went off. We didn't have a clue what was going on until Kyrgiakos emerged with Bagpipes.
zu geil
Sotos I love you, please come back
ich hab zwar die mittlere Reife mit Bravour geschafft, kann aber den ganzen
englischen Twitter-Schrott nicht verständlich übersetzen. Einige von Euch müssen ja echte Englischfreaks sein, wenn man die hochgeistigen Antworten liest.
Kann mir jemand von Euch Spezialisten den Text übersetzen oder ist die deutsche Sprache schon out und verboten? man muss ja nicht immer mit dem
Strom schwimmen nur weil es cool erscheint.
Also wer übersetzt ?
Danke im voraus.
Wenn du schon so freundlich fragst ...
Bildung ist nie uncool.