Trond Sollied:
...Bereits in seinem zweiten Jahr als Coach konnte er mit Bodø/Glimt die Vizemeisterschaft in der Tippeligaen, der ersten norwegischen Liga, erreichen und den norwegischen Pokal gewinnen. Er blieb drei weitere Jahre bei Bodø/Glimt, um danach zu Rosenborg Trondheim zu wechseln. Dort wurde er im ersten Jahr als Assistent unter Nils Arne Eggen norwegischer Meister, in der Saison 1998 konnte Rosenborg mit dem Chefcoach Sollied den Titel verteidigen und qualifizierte sich für die UEFA Champions League.
Im Jahr 1999 wechselte Sollied in die belgische Jupiler League, zunächst zu KAA Gent, 2001 dann zum FC Brügge. In seiner Zeit in Brügge wurde er jeweils zweifacher belgischer Meister und Pokalsieger, zudem konnte sich der Verein mehrfach für die Champions League qualifizieren. 2005 beendete er seine Tätigkeit in Belgien, ein Jahr vor dem Auslaufen seines Vertrages. Er wechselte zum griechischen Spitzenclub Olympiakos Piräus, mit dem er bereits in seiner ersten Saison die Meisterschaft erringen konnte. Trotz Tabellenführung zur Winterpause wurde er im Dezember 2006 in Piräus entlassen, zu enttäuschend verliefen die beiden Spielzeiten in der Champions League.
1 Norwegian 1st Division Championship: 1992
1 Norwegian Cup: 1993
2 Norwegian Premier League Championships: 1997, 1998
1 Scandinavian Masters: 1998
2 Belgian Cups: 2002, 2004
2 Belgian Super Cups: 2002, 2004
2 Belgian Championships: 2003, 2005
1 Greek Championship: 2006
1 Greek Cup: 2006
Übrigens spricht Sollied auch fließend Deutsch
...Bereits in seinem zweiten Jahr als Coach konnte er mit Bodø/Glimt die Vizemeisterschaft in der Tippeligaen, der ersten norwegischen Liga, erreichen und den norwegischen Pokal gewinnen. Er blieb drei weitere Jahre bei Bodø/Glimt, um danach zu Rosenborg Trondheim zu wechseln. Dort wurde er im ersten Jahr als Assistent unter Nils Arne Eggen norwegischer Meister, in der Saison 1998 konnte Rosenborg mit dem Chefcoach Sollied den Titel verteidigen und qualifizierte sich für die UEFA Champions League.
Im Jahr 1999 wechselte Sollied in die belgische Jupiler League, zunächst zu KAA Gent, 2001 dann zum FC Brügge. In seiner Zeit in Brügge wurde er jeweils zweifacher belgischer Meister und Pokalsieger, zudem konnte sich der Verein mehrfach für die Champions League qualifizieren. 2005 beendete er seine Tätigkeit in Belgien, ein Jahr vor dem Auslaufen seines Vertrages. Er wechselte zum griechischen Spitzenclub Olympiakos Piräus, mit dem er bereits in seiner ersten Saison die Meisterschaft erringen konnte. Trotz Tabellenführung zur Winterpause wurde er im Dezember 2006 in Piräus entlassen, zu enttäuschend verliefen die beiden Spielzeiten in der Champions League.
1 Norwegian 1st Division Championship: 1992
1 Norwegian Cup: 1993
2 Norwegian Premier League Championships: 1997, 1998
1 Scandinavian Masters: 1998
2 Belgian Cups: 2002, 2004
2 Belgian Super Cups: 2002, 2004
2 Belgian Championships: 2003, 2005
1 Greek Championship: 2006
1 Greek Cup: 2006
Übrigens spricht Sollied auch fließend Deutsch
Europe here we come - again !
Michael Thurk - tonite a football God (as the Germans would say). Though it has to be said, his dive leading to the second red card leaves me with a tad of a fould taste in my mouth. On the one hand, it truly impacted the game positively in the favour of SGE, but on the other hand it testifies to a lack of sportmanship (imho).
But then again, who cares after such a glorious return to the European stage. Tonite we're all Frankfurt lads (Frankfurter Jungs)
Michael Thurk - tonite a football God (as the Germans would say). Though it has to be said, his dive leading to the second red card leaves me with a tad of a fould taste in my mouth. On the one hand, it truly impacted the game positively in the favour of SGE, but on the other hand it testifies to a lack of sportmanship (imho).
But then again, who cares after such a glorious return to the European stage. Tonite we're all Frankfurt lads (Frankfurter Jungs)
The one company SGE should sign as a sponsor is T-Systems (Telekom). The CEO there is from Bad Homburg and is known to be a huge Eintracht fan! + rumors have it that he is getting fed up with the sailboat sponsorship the company is presently doing..
Well, I can't say much about Danish SGE fans, but being Norwegian myself I can confirm that there is at least *one* Norwegian SGE fan :p Have had a season ticket for 3 years now.
Guess that it should come as no big surprise to say then that I come from the same small town as Jan Åge Fjørtoft, and that his days were the start of my SGE love affair..
And to offer a perspective on your wonderful geography discussion: Denmark is definately a part of Scandinavia, although their culture is a lot more "continental" than that of Norway/Sweden. Finland is normally not counted as part of Scandinavia, but of the Nordic countries.
Guess that it should come as no big surprise to say then that I come from the same small town as Jan Åge Fjørtoft, and that his days were the start of my SGE love affair..
And to offer a perspective on your wonderful geography discussion: Denmark is definately a part of Scandinavia, although their culture is a lot more "continental" than that of Norway/Sweden. Finland is normally not counted as part of Scandinavia, but of the Nordic countries.
The stadium does indeed look fantastic. I only wish they could finally get the roof sorted out.. I was terrified the game might get cancelled against Schalke yesterday. Naturally in hindsight it might have been for the better..
At any rate the team delivered a pretty decent performance, but once again we failed to get the ball across the goal-line despite numerous opportunities. The ball bouncing off the bar and then the line after Ochs' shot was simply cruel...
Ah well, at least now we have already played against all the title contenders and can start looking forward to 3 pointers against more level competition
At any rate the team delivered a pretty decent performance, but once again we failed to get the ball across the goal-line despite numerous opportunities. The ball bouncing off the bar and then the line after Ochs' shot was simply cruel...
Ah well, at least now we have already played against all the title contenders and can start looking forward to 3 pointers against more level competition
Christ, I cannot for the life of me understand why *anyone* would be less than 100% satisfied with Spycher - he does his job brilliantly: keeps his left side safe and plays good (safe) passes forward. Not to mention his leadership abilities which I believe to be impressive. I believe strongly that Spycher is one of the most valuable members of the team, and that he is the right person for the captain's band for the forseeable future..
What the other replacements are concerned, I believe that a player like Jones should be easy to replace - especially given the fact that he has barely played the last couple of seasons + the fact that good players for this position are a dime a dousin. Streit on other hand will be damn near impossible to replace as a player (the guy must be one of Germany's best for this position), but as a team-player anyone else would be better.
I for one have complete faith in the dispositions of FF and HB!