


proud? well, not sure. But sooo relieved!
proud? well, not sure. But sooo relieved!
Totally gutted.But all is not lost.I wish I could be there for the play offs.I will be in spirit,believe me.
Heads up KTF
Party time ?
Is Haris Seferevic the new Frederick the Great ???
Enjoy,my friends,and let's all look forward to next season.
A very proud Welshman
Bremen are there for the taking,H.The very best of luck.I will have this site up during the game if I can,t find a feed.SGE will stay up l have no doubt particularly after the outstanding BD result.
KTF boys KTF
We say The Show Isn't Over Until The Fat Lady Sings.I didn't see any such ladies in Frankfurt only pretty ones so you are definitely going to stuff WB?
Totally gutted.But all is not lost.I wish I could be there for the play offs.I will be in spirit,believe me.
Heads up KTF
thank god you're safe. Now you can lean back in your favority armchair and relax. Personally I'll be in Bremen and am feeling quite tense already. Well, lets be grateful for that. Few even believed in a remaining chance some weeks back. But it really is as they say: the opera is not over until that fat lady sang ... no idea if you have the same or a similar expression. But I'm happy at least our coach never gave in
Bremen are there for the taking,H.The very best of luck.I will have this site up during the game if I can,t find a feed.SGE will stay up l have no doubt particularly after the outstanding BD result.
KTF boys KTF
We say The Show Isn't Over Until The Fat Lady Sings.I didn't see any such ladies in Frankfurt only pretty ones so you are definitely going to stuff WB?
well done, welshman (=Swansea). Seems like you saved yourself today. Very important victory and now a 9 point gap. So at least you'll stay up
Hello H my old pal.Sorry for huge delay in posting but have had terrible computer problems.I now have an IPad and so have at last moved into the 21st century.I have always said that SGE and SCFC share a similar fate and so it has been this season.Gott sei Dank that we are safe and now it is up to you boys after Saturday,s brilliant result.Next season I would like to go to an Eagles away game preferably Berlin but I am open minded   any suggestions?
Keep the Faith my brave Hessians
Morning H.My computer has been fixed and so I return ! Yeah I like rugby but it is nothing compared to the fanaticism of footie. Beating England at anything is always a pleasure but of greater pleasure is a higher FIFA ranking than them.We are through to the Euro Finals and I am off to France next year to watch us lift the cup (1 - 0 v Germany  
Again SGE and SCFC mirror each others progress - very spooky.
Will write more shortly and post those piccies of my trip to the mighty SGC when I have a bit more time.
All the best buddies
Welshman (I am back)
Thanks very much H and J.I am having real problems with my computer and hence the reason for not being in touch more.I can assure you my feelings towards the mighty SGE have not lessend,quite the contrary after my recent visit.I will post up the photos in due course.
Keep well and enjoy your summer.Footie now only a couple of weeks away.Bring it on !!!
Morning H.Two ways of looking at Chelsea away first game. One,we will be up for it (hopefully).Two,they will spank us.Whatever,at least the game will be over with.No one gave us a hope against Man U first game last season but the boys did it so as always I will keep the faith.
It surprises me how similar SGE and SCFC are perhaps thats the attraction for me.
It would be nice to come over again at Christmas this time particularly as my wife would love to visit the Christmas fairs you are so famous for.Heidlburg has a good one I've heard although beer fests are really more to my taste What would be the best game to see around this time  in your opinion?
Keep in touch
Boys,what a weekend we had last weekend.Blown away by the atmosphere at the Waldstadion and also by the Apfelwein!!! The Westecurve were beyond belief,one of the best atmospheres I have ever experienced.The wife was far more interested in the singing than the football and did her best to join in at all times.We have some gret photos which I will post up shortly.H the Buchscheer was brilliant.No beer only Apfelwein as you know but it went down very well (too well).We met a load of SGE fans there and had a great time.
Frankfurt is a great city and very friendly .No one laughed at my attempts at German which I think improved with my drinking.
One question,what are all the padlocks on the bridge about?
Also,I was very disappointed not to have met any of you,so next time boys we will have to make certain arrangements.Perhaps at the beer stalls outside the ground.
One last thing,what is Kategorie F?
Good luck against BD.
I will certainly be back to Frankfurt.One of the best weekends ever.
Bags are packed (including lucky underpants for the game).Sick I won't see der Fussballgott but that's life.See you there people
Nice one H - I'll be there.
Glad you had a good time AF.You were robbed at The Lane.The problem we "lesser" clubs have is playing against 12 every Saturday ie the opposition and the ref.It's a disgrace and is getting worse.I am no egg chaser but we can certainly learn alot from their reffing.
My trip is now only around the corner and I can,t wait.There seems to be a lack of feedback on where to drink before the game and the best atmosphere.Any thoughts Adlerfox or anyone else for that matter?
How was your trip Adlerfox ? Any advice for me for next month ? Shame about the result - is there any cause for concern at this stage?Certainly the table is not looking too healthy at the moment.
Thanks Adlerfox.Have a good trip and best of luck today against EFC.My neighbours "support" Everton and hate the fact we are well above them so believe me I will be a Fox for a day today.They have never been to Goodison Park so it always amuses me that they profess love for a team they actually do nothing to support.Tossers I say
Great result for us yesterday in a very good match.Van Gaal isn't a very good loser but hey 6pts doesn't lie.
Awful reult for SGE nothing seems to be going right since Xmas.Hope for improvement v Koln and B M'bach
Best wishes all
Thanks lads,that means a lot.See you in April.
Thanks littlecrow I'm looking forward to meeting all you guys as well.We arrive early on Thursday morning (9.30 am) and we have booked in at the Mercure Kaiserhof for three nights so plenty of time to enjoy your city's drinking establishments.I think the hotel is close to the city centre so that will be very convenient.Best place to meet on the day of the game will be much appreciated - good local beer absolutely essential
Unfortunately after a long illness my father died recently and so football has had to take a back seat for a while.But things are gradually getting back to normal with our trip to Frankfurt enabling us to look forward to something special.
Keep in touch
Hello comrades.SCFC not having the best of times at the moment but 10 more points and we're safe.No Europe next year by the look of it.Never mind I have my visit to your hunting ground in April and that is going to be special.Sorry I haven,t been in touch but have had some family problems .
KTF Frankfurters
Boys and girls the Welshman is proud to announce he holds in his hands two tickets for SGE v B M'gladbach.To be exact Block 43L !!! We arrive on the Thursday and return on the Monday.What a birthday present from the wife (she isn't all bad)
Can someone help with the "Kombiticket".I think this is the travel ticket to get us to the ground but I have been able to print off one ticket only.Is this sufficient for the two of us or do I need to somehow get another?Any help will be much welcomed.
I am very thrilled that after so many years I will at last get to seeing the mighty SGE.I hope also that we can arrange to meet as many of you as possible and enjoy a few drinks together.  
Good hunting tomorrow and keep in touch
Welshman (very happy)
Thanks H a good read.I have spent 2 hours trying to order tickets for the BM game on line this morning.I can't get past the registration process.The game will be over by the time I register.I will try again
Congratulations boys on an outstanding result. I must be honest and confess I would have settled for a draw before the start. Just goes to show I know nothing
Schaaf seems to be getting the best out of the whole squad and breathing new life into the lads.
Once again well done and on to Europe next season.