


Good luck tomorrow. 2-1 to SGE.
K t F
What in the name of sweet Jesus is going on at the Waldstadion. I followed the course of the game on line and it seems to me that there could be  a confidence problem at the moment or perhaps the new faces need more time to settle in. Whatever the cause the league table looks horrific.I can only hope that the footballing gods are with us today in our biggest game of the season against the spawn of creation. We have been allowed 2,200 tickets only as their ground is not much bigger than ours. Our fans are being "bubbled" in due to the traditionally high level of violence this fixture attracts. I f anyone of you can get to watch it it will certainly not disappoint  
A defeat today will make life here in South Wales very difficult for the next few months and will completely make the weekend an unmitigating bloody disaster.
As Rod Argent 's song goes "Hold Your Head Up High"
All the best from a very anxious Welshman
There seems little doubt that both SGE and SCFC are suffering in the league due to success in the Europa League. We played badly last night but at least got a point. We are having to rotate our team constantly due to the amount of games being played which undoubtedly affects performance as there is no consistency. I think we may have to accept a lower league position as the price to be paid for our European adventure. Is this as you see it for SGE as well? As long as we don't go down I think it may be a sacrifice worth making as my club is unlikely to compete in European competitions too often,so we must enjoy it it seems to me.
We have a massive game on Sunday against our arch- enemies at their place.I hope we can rediscover some of last seasons form as a defeat would be a nightmare. I think you will pick up three points on Saturday but it won't be easy.
At times like these it is more important than ever to Keep the Faith.
Jakky - I thought BMG were a Bavarian side. Please excuse my geographical ignorance. I feel like a right twat!
All the best for tomorrow (wherever you are !!!)
My predictions last week weren't far out - SGE and SCFC both get a win and a draw. It could easily have been two wins each but we both suffered the agony of late equalisers. Very painful -  our ground resembled a graveyard. Photos of your Europa game are very,very impressive. The problem we have here is that terracing has been banned and without it a lot of the passion seems to disappear. In our old ground our terraced end ( the North Bank )at one time could hold 15,000 and the noise and atmosphere we used to create was unbelievable. Even Sir Alex Ferguson complains about lack of atmosphere and argues for the return of some standing-only areas but our Football Association ignore all efforts and say that safety comes first, which is total bollocks as people stand in certain sections anyway which must cause more of a safety risk it seems to me.
Bundersliga highlights on Monday nights are brilliant here, even some of my mates are starting to take an interest. My best friend Billy told me he intended to follow Stuttgart until I told him this was not possible as that city is twinned with the human sewer that is Cardiff Shitty. He has changed his mind
Good luck in Bavaria. We have the the mighty Hammers on Sunday which is always entertaining ( for more reasons than one )
All the best from storm swept  Wales
Adlerjunge,my old friend,as the saying goes "es geht doch nichts uber das eigene Zuhause" !
The best unofficial Swans site is without doubt Scfc2.co.uk where you will get all our info and also a taste of  our passion (loads of arguments and controversy).I am not registered but you don't have to be to comment on other fans entries or to leave messages yourselves but ,I understand, if you are not registered it takes a little longer for them to be posted. Go to Guestbook and also Papertalk. Viel Spass!
I predict 6 league points for SGE and SCFC over the weekend and the same next week in Europa, no problem.
When are the final dates and times for Feb-April fixtures likely to be published as I am now getting very excited about our little visit and the sooner I can get tickets,flights,hotels etc.the less chance there will be of my wife torpedoing our fun
Keep in touch and K the F
Adlerjunge,good to hear from you again and all now seems to be OK with this site.
10,000 Frankfurters in Swansea - my daughter would be pleased and perhaps also my wife
We took 2,000 to Valencia so would probably take a few more if we were to get SGE probably 2-3,000 or so.Perhaps more because at that stage of the competition things really get hot.
I love Irish Pubs.I spent 12 hours in one in Amsterdam or Den Hague (I can't really remember) a few years ago when I went with some mates on SCFC's pre-season tour of Holland.What a country !!!
As soon as SGE's fixtures for Feb-April are made certain I can get tickets and book flights.Drinking arrangements can then be finalised!
Lass von dir horen!
K the F,boys,K the F
I have had real problems logging on here for the last week Warum ich frage?)
Anyway, I wanted to wish you all the best in Cyprus but you obviously had that with a great result and a great following.Well done SGE.
We had a very tough game against St Gallen from die Schweiz and were lucky to win it.Our league form continues very badly but have two home games next so perhaps our season can start then.
I have to say that the 1200 St Gallen brought were the best away fans we have seen for a very long time.They sang throughout the game and put us home fans to shame.I think that here in Britain our support lacks passion and certainly lacks originality.We can learn a lot from you guys but it seems to me we are more interested in attacking the opposing fans than getting behind our team.
Welldone SGE for another valuable away point yesterday.We can only get better.
Welshman (keeping the faith)
Things are getting very very spooky SGE and SCFC both win 3-0 on Thursday,both play against 10 men,and both score the third goal from curling free kicks!Is this a sign from the gods that both our proud and mighty teams will not only succeed at this group stage but then go on to meet face to face in the competition?I am beginning to believe that this scenario is hurtling towards a conclusion that I have dreamt of for a very long time.
Thanks to everyone on here for your very kind words which I fully extend to you all.Since coming on this site over a year ago I feel my very warm feelings towards die Adler have been multplied a thousand times by the kind messages of you guys.Football really can bring people together and make incredible friendships.I can,t wait to meet some of you in person and share a few drinks and stories.This great day I am confident is now not far off.
As ever good luck against Stuttgart .I can now watch the highlites on tv late Monday nights.
Keep that Faith burning
Thanks Jakky and H.Monday night's game was superb.A draw was a fair result and I would have certainly taken it before kick-off.We dominated the second half and could have won it but then again Vorm,s save meant we didn,t go in at half time 3-1 down!
So,we,re off to Valencia for Thursday and you boys have a very tough one also with Bordeaux.Good luck!I think you will win narrowly but a point for us will be out of this world.
Keep in touch
Sieg Sieg Sieg boys.What a result !!! As I write I raise a glass to an outstanding result.Kadlec the new hero!Fabulous.
Long trip.Get stuck in.Good luck.Three points (wenn Gott will)
The Kurve West (seated) it will be then,Jakky,my old mate.I think if I attempted to take my wife into the  lower terraced area she would probably leave me   .Then again she talks so much you definately would have her thrown out before kick-off .
Thanks for all the info and now that lots of game dates and times are finalised I can think about planning.One thing is that if my son wants to come instead of my missus he will definately want to be with you boys in the KW.He's off to see Celtic v Ajax next month (I wasn't aware they were playing)so he is very keen to accompany me to Frankfurt if he can (he also likes drinking more than his mother so will definately be better company !)
I was delighted and very relieved with our first points last Sunday but would love to have seen SGE get something against BD which,from the reports,were fully deserved.I think the important thing is that we are both playing well so that the points will start to come.
I am sorry that I have taken a week to reply but I have been away in the north of England on a hiking holiday.I had to sit in a pub full of English one night and suffer as they beat Moldova 4-0.Very painfull.
Christian.I am very pleased that you take an interest in SCFC and hope that it will be long lasting and rewarding.
All the best and Keep the Faith
Cheers,Jakky. Yesterday was certainly very exciting and I couldn't agree more that both our clubs have good grouping and with a little good fortune should get through. If we do then the odds of us meeting are greatly increased and whilst I know only one of us could progress nevertheless what a couple of nights we would have !
In the meantime SGE and SCFC have a difficult weekend ahead. Needless to say I hope it will see 6 points at the end of it.
Thanks for the ticket offer - very kind and much appreciated. The on-line booking looks a bit complex and not knowing my way around the Waldstadion/Commerz BA I wouldn't want to end up in the Family Stand or ,God forbid,with
 the prawn sandwich brigade  
All the very best from the Welshman who will always Keep the Faith.
Thanks AJ for the pep talk ,you are of course correct ,but we do not seem to be playing with last seasons fluency. Something is not quite right and we need to win a league game as soon as possible.
Great that both of us are through to the group stages after last night. Now very excited for the draw later today.
Thanks for the language tip. I am really enjoying my German course and hope to be able to practice with you SGE boys when I eventually get to your great city. Perhaps I'll be over sooner than expected if the draw brings us together next!!
Your fans' display last night was very very impressive. How the hell do you arrange it ? Magnificent.
Good luck for later today
Keep the Faith
Well done SGE-es erfullte mich mit Stolz.Sorry I don't have any Umlauts.
We are bottom after yesterday and it hurts very much particularly as the cursed ones beat Man City.Not a good weekend but thank God for die Adler.
I must go now and drink some more to relieve the pain.
Keep the Faith!!!
Thanks H. Yeah good result for us but to be fair the Rumanians were very poor. Great result too for SGE. We should both now be comfortably through to the group stages. Dare I dream of an early  trip to Sachsenhausen !!!
Good luck for the weekend. We are away to Tottenham (minus Bale )
Where on earth is Braunschweig?
Keep in touch
All the best
Vertrauen haben
Too pissed off to say much after yesterday.Believe it or not we dominated most of the game but Man U are simply a performing circus of multi- million pound talent that clubs like ours can't compete with.It's very unfair but simply reality.
Very proud of SGE taking the Bavarians to the edge.I am convinced our clubs will do well this season as we are both driven by pride and  passion that other clubs simply dream of.
I am Keeping the Faith (also "fur IMMER" - Adlerjunge)
My good friend,C.P 88,you are right on the button there,matey,a stress free weekend is coming up for both clubs. I predict a 2-1 win for the mighty SGE and SCFC - no problems
We will speak again after the weekend - until then-Vertrauen haben
I was horrified at yesterdays disaster. Ich kann es nicht glauben. What happened?I had targeted this game for at least a point. Hopefully lessons have been learnt.
A rather concerned Welshman
(more important than ever to Keep the Faith)