
Deutsche Polizei...

Thread wurde von SGE_Werner am Mittwoch, 29. September 2021, 21:42 Uhr um 21:42 Uhr gesperrt weil:
Siehe: https://community.eintracht.de/forum/diskussionen/124171?page=63#5369447
propain schrieb:
Ffm60ziger schrieb:
KampfHunde das war gestern jetzt gibts sogennante Renter vor die Kimme.        Klar das kann schon mal vorkommen.

Polizist erschießt 77-Jährigen in Stadland


Wieso schießt der Rentner rum? Schußwaffe ist schon was anderes wie ein Messer, da würde ich auch so schießen das von dem nix mehr kommt.

dpa/Focus dazu


Es ist sicher klar. Waffen zu erkennen ist schwer, das weiß ich sehr gut.

Die Schreckschusspistole des Rentners werde derzeit vom Landeskriminalamtes weiter untersucht, sagte der Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft. Die Obduktion des Toten habe ergeben, dass er durch einen Schuss in den Oberkörper gestorben sei.


...und wieder wird es heißen, Einzelfall.

[Edit - URNA: keine Volltextkopien bitte]
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.
eagle-1899 schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?  
miraculix250 schrieb:
eagle-1899 schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

Äh ja...nicht jedes Wutbürgergestammele gegen "die da oben" ist ein "hinterfragen". Oftmals ist es einfach ein verbales Schütteln der Fäuste und unspezifisches rumpöbeln. So wie z.B. bei Larken Rose. Wer den ernst nimmt...gute Nacht.

Und Rothbard ist einfach ein "Liberalextremist" und lebt wie alle Extremisten in seiner eigenen Welt in der Realitäten nur stören. Wie die Realität, dass sein Gesellschaftskonzept letztlich nichts als purer Darwinismus ist, bzw. sogar die Herrschaft des Stärken.

Ob beide allerdings bissige Kampfhunde besonders mochten und für sakrosankt erachteten... Ich bezweifle es einfach mal.  
miraculix250 schrieb:

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

In die Ecke der Libertarian-Clubberer
giordani schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

In die Ecke der Libertarian-Clubberer

tutzt schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
eagle-1899 schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

Äh ja...nicht jedes Wutbürgergestammele gegen "die da oben" ist ein "hinterfragen". Oftmals ist es einfach ein verbales Schütteln der Fäuste und unspezifisches rumpöbeln. So wie z.B. bei Larken Rose. Wer den ernst nimmt...gute Nacht.

Und Rothbard ist einfach ein "Liberalextremist" und lebt wie alle Extremisten in seiner eigenen Welt in der Realitäten nur stören. Wie die Realität, dass sein Gesellschaftskonzept letztlich nichts als purer Darwinismus ist, bzw. sogar die Herrschaft des Stärken.

Ob beide allerdings bissige Kampfhunde besonders mochten und für sakrosankt erachteten... Ich bezweifle es einfach mal.    

Es beruhigt mich zu lesen; dass du als ausgewiesener Befuerworter eines Staatstotalitarismus dich vom obigen Beitrag befremdet zeigst - und Leute, die von deinesgleichen einfach nur in Ruhe gelassen werden wollen als "Wutbuerger", "nicht ernstzunehmende Poebler" und "Radikale" verunglimpfst (diese persoenlichen Angriffe waren denn auch die einzigen "Argumente" in deinem Beitrag).

Message ist offenbar angekommen.
a.saftsack schrieb:
tutzt schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
eagle-1899 schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

Äh ja...nicht jedes Wutbürgergestammele gegen "die da oben" ist ein "hinterfragen". Oftmals ist es einfach ein verbales Schütteln der Fäuste und unspezifisches rumpöbeln. So wie z.B. bei Larken Rose. Wer den ernst nimmt...gute Nacht.

Und Rothbard ist einfach ein "Liberalextremist" und lebt wie alle Extremisten in seiner eigenen Welt in der Realitäten nur stören. Wie die Realität, dass sein Gesellschaftskonzept letztlich nichts als purer Darwinismus ist, bzw. sogar die Herrschaft des Stärken.

Ob beide allerdings bissige Kampfhunde besonders mochten und für sakrosankt erachteten... Ich bezweifle es einfach mal.    

Es beruhigt mich zu lesen; dass du als ausgewiesener Befuerworter eines Staatstotalitarismus dich vom obigen Beitrag befremdet zeigst - und Leute, die von deinesgleichen einfach nur in Ruhe gelassen werden wollen als "Wutbuerger", "nicht ernstzunehmende Poebler" und "Radikale" verunglimpfst (diese persoenlichen Angriffe waren denn auch die einzigen "Argumente" in deinem Beitrag).

Message ist offenbar angekommen.

WiddeWiddewitt und drei mach Neune...
miraculix250 schrieb:
eagle-1899 schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

Irgendetwas muss der Begriff "linksgruen versifft" bei Dir ausgelöst haben!? Möchtest Du darüber reden?  
Aragorn schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
eagle-1899 schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

Irgendetwas muss der Begriff "linksgruen versifft" bei Dir ausgelöst haben!? Möchtest Du darüber reden?    

Manche Leute habem merkwürdigerweise eine unüberwindliche Abneigung gegen Nazisprache.
stefank schrieb:
Aragorn schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
eagle-1899 schrieb:
miraculix250 schrieb:
a.saftsack schrieb:
Luca-Gregory schrieb:
Rüsselsheim: "Hass gegen staatliche Macht" - Psychologe erklärt Emotionen im Fall getöteter Hunde

Der Typ und sein stiefelleckerisches Geschwafel... - ein typischer Steigbügelhalter für die "entrenched interests" und die herrschende Klasse.

Murray Rothbard hat das bereits in seinem eindrücklichen Essay "Anatomy of the State" (welches in diesem Jahr sein 40-jähriges Erscheinungsjubiläum feiert) messerscharf analysiert:

"For this essential acceptance, the majority must be persuaded by ideology that their government is good, wise and, at least, inevitable, and certainly better than other conceivable alternatives. Promoting this ideology among the people is the vital social task of the "intellectuals." For the masses of men do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the "opinion-molders" in society. And since it is precisely a molding of opinion that the State most desperately needs, the basis for age-old alliance between the State and the intellectuals becomes clear.

It is evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it is not so evident why intellectuals need the State. Put simply, we may state that the intellectual's livelihood in the free market is never too secure; for the intellectual must depend on the values and choices of the masses of his fellow men, and it is precisely characteristic of the masses that they are generally uninterested in intellectual matters. The State, on the other hand, is willing to offer the intellectuals a secure and permanent berth in the State apparatus; and thus a secure income and the panoply of prestige. For the intellectuals will be handsomely rewarded for the important function they perform for the State rulers, of which group they now become a part. (...)
Many and varied have been the arguments by which the State and its intellectuals have induced their subjects to support their rule. Basically, the strands of argument may be summed up as follows: (a) the State rulers are great and wise men (they "rule by divine right," they are the "aristocracy" of men, they are the "scientific experts"), much greater and wiser than the good but rather simple subjects, and (b) rule by the extent government is inevitable, absolutely necessary, and far better, than the indescribable evils that would ensue upon its downfall.

...und zu unseren "Freunden & Helfern" von der Polizei, die angeblich auch des Öfteren "Gutes tun" würden (fragt sich nur aus wessen Perspektive...)... - hat Larken Rose die passenden Worte parat:

Larken Rose schrieb:
"Monitor this, fascists! I own myself, the same is true of every other person on the planet. You don't own me. Your politician masters don't own me. I have no obligation to obey the arbitrary garbage that they call, "law". I have no obligation to put up with it when you unthinkingly come to be a thug to force the politicians will on me. Now, you probably got that badge and joined up thinking you would be a force for law and order. For that, I commend you. You thought you were doing the right thing, turns out you were wrong. You're not the good guy.
Your hat, your badge, your title, the law books - they don't make you the good guy. Because morality doesn't change just because politicians scribble it on paper. So Mr. and Mrs. DEA agent, IRS agent, ATF, CIA, DHS, TSA, and all the rest of them: you are the bad guys. And the future is going to look back and recognize you as the bad guy. Just as we look back on Nazi Germany, and everybody says, "How on earth could people just follow those orders?". The future is going to look back at you Mr. and Mrs. Federal or State cop and say, "Why on earth did they keep doing these things to innocent people just because they were told to?".
So you have two choices Mr. and Mrs. Fascist: either you can think for yourself now, figure out you are the bad guy and become the good guy or until the end of time history will remember you as a stupid, unthinking, evil thug. Now Mr. and Mrs. Fascist, why don't you consider one thing while you're trying to decide who's the good guys. Do you see anyone here having shoot outs or blowing stuff up? Raiding people with their SWAT gear? We SAY things, we express ideas. You spy on us. You invade houses. You put on your SWAT team and behave like fascists. Who do you think that kinda hints at as the good guy here? We say words and you violently attack us for it. You call us terrorists. Who do you actually think is the good guys? At what point are you going to think outside the box enough to realize that your profession can be described as initiating violence against innocent people because politicians told you to. You are not law enforcers, you are politician mercenaries and that's all.
Now, here's the scary part, Mr. and Mrs. Fascist. Do you want to know what I want to have happen to you? I want you to put down your badge and join humanity. Here's the ironic part, while you are out there doing your thuggery, the people here, we don't want to enforce our will on you. We don't want you to spend your money on things we want. We don't want you to force you to make choices that we want you to make. We want you to be free. You're attacking us because we want you to be free. How messed up is that? And you have the chance to be free because you, with the badge and the gun, you are the only thing that is making us unfree.
It's not the politicians. They're not kicking down peoples doors, they're not enforcing their arbitrary, bogus lunacy. It's you with the guns and badges. If you do the right thing, the politicians have NO power. We want you to be free, you want us to be enslaved. Now, in the future people will look back and say, "How could anybody of been so stupid, so insane, so irresponsible to work for the DEA, IRS, ATF, whatever...". What are you going to tell them if you're still alive? "Well, it was my job." Where have we heard that? Only under every evil regime in the history of the world has that been the excuse. Put down the badge. Get rid of the official title of authority and start taking responsibility for your own actions and we will defend YOUR freedom.
What government does is start fights. What people here want is peaceful coexistence. Is that why you have to fear us? Hate us? Spy on us? Because we want peaceful coexistence... Look at yourself in the mirror, can you really tell yourself that you're the good guy when you are spying on people who want to be left alone and want to leave other people alone? If that's who you view as evil, something is messed up in your head."

Die Botschaft dieses Kaspers da oben hingegen ist: "Fügt euch und seid gute Sklaven. Hinterfragt nicht unser Vorgehen, stellt unsere Autorität nicht in Frage. We have the right to rule you - und wenn ihr nicht so lebt, wie ich und meine herrschenden Freunde es wollen, haben wir das Recht euch und euer Eigentum zu verletzen / zu zerstören. Schließlich sind wir hier um euch Unwürdige zu beschützen... (*diabolischeslachenausdemoff*)".

Der Typ ist also im besten Falle ein Idiot; im wahrscheinlichsten Falle ein Gauner der seine Stellung an den Futtertröpfen dieser Gesellschaftsordnung durch solch unaufrichtigen Sermon zu rechtfertigen sucht - und im schlimmsten Falle ein überzeugter Anhänger einer faschistischen Gesellschaftsordnung.

Uiuiui, du liest nicht nur linksgrün versiffte Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur, sondern zitierst diese auch noch? Lass das mal bloß net die Forenrechte lesen  

Zum Artikel: Fand ich auch bissi Arrogant, aber ganz so klare Worte hätte ich dafür dann doch nicht gefunden. Hab den Vorfall an sich aber auch nicht so intensiv verfolgt... daher dazu keine gefestigte Meinung an sich.

Was Murray Rothbard und Larken Rose mit "linksgrün versiffter Stalinisten-Anarcho-Ökofaschisten-Literatur" zu tun haben musst du mir mal erklären. Du solltest dir den Text vielleicht mal durchlesen. Das ist so ziemlich das exakte Gegenteil davon.

Machtstruktur hinterfragend, fragwürdige Machtstrukturen Ausübende hinterfragend... das muss auf jeden Fall in die Linksgrün-versiffte Schublade. Wo kommen wir sonst hin?    

Irgendetwas muss der Begriff "linksgruen versifft" bei Dir ausgelöst haben!? Möchtest Du darüber reden?    

Manche Leute habem merkwürdigerweise eine unüberwindliche Abneigung gegen Nazisprache.

Ach so ,deswegen verwendet er ständig diesen Begriff.

"Polizist aus Ingolstadt wegen Falschaussage verurteilt – und die Polizei ist schockiert"
Friendly_Fire schrieb:

"Polizist aus Ingolstadt wegen Falschaussage verurteilt – und die Polizei ist schockiert"

Polizisten schockiert, dass die Gesetze auch für sie gelten. Nun ja, Ingolstadt liegt in Bayern, erklärt einiges.
Friendly_Fire schrieb:

"Polizist aus Ingolstadt wegen Falschaussage verurteilt – und die Polizei ist schockiert"

Ich bin auch schockiert. Über das Verhalten des Polizisten. Und erleichtert: Der Rechtsstaat funktioniert auch in Bayern noch. Diesmal...
Wieder mal schiesswütige Polizisten, diesmal in Kassel. Das hätte man doch sicherlich auch anders lösen können

Ja, denn es kann immer alles anders gelöst werden.  
SGE-URNA schrieb:
Wieder mal schiesswütige Polizisten, diesmal in Kassel. Das hätte man doch sicherlich auch anders lösen können


Nem unbewaffnet flüchtenden Haschdealer von hinten in den Kopf zu schießen ist eine Sache... einen zu Erschießen, der nem Polizisten die Waffe entreißt und damit auf eben diese Feuert eine andere.
Friendly_Fire schrieb:

"Polizist aus Ingolstadt wegen Falschaussage verurteilt – und die Polizei ist schockiert"

Diese Art Falschaussage ist bei einigen Polizisten leider normal, ich kenne auch einen Fall eines Eintrachtfans nach einem Spiel in Wolfsburg. Da der Eintrachtfan nur eine Geldstrafe bekam beließ er es dabei, da es sonst zuviel Geld gekostet hätte dagegen vorzugehen. Wenn man da mal genauer hinschauen würde würden einige Polizisten wegen Falschaussage verurteilt werden, aber da die wissen das so gut wie nie was passiert lügen sie weiter. Daher vermutlich auch der Schock, da es doch mal jemand gewagt hat dagegen vorzugehen.
